
Welcome to the API documentation of

How to navigate the API documentation:

The left column functions as an overview of our services. You can use it as an intuitive navigation. Click on a topic and find specific information for that service, object, or method. The middle column provides you with the information you are looking for. The column on the right shows you examples in JSON as well as in XML format.

What the API can do for you:

Our API allows you to manage your resources and those of your subaccounts' in an easy way, using HTTP requests. Various document formats like JSON or XML are supported. Each resource type is managed in a service (e.g.: domain, DNS, SSL, etc.) with its own endpoint that provides default methods like listings as well as specific methods for the service.

One of the core principles of our platform system is to offer the same access level to every user. For example, the platform ‘web control panel’ uses the JSON-API, so everything you do with the panel can also be done using the API. This concept allows you to program and script very complex applications and to tailor them to your needs.

First, the API documentation gives you a general overview of the design and technology that has been implemented, followed by reference information about specific services.

Requests and Authentication

In order to communicate with the API, you simply have to use the right endpoint and a tool that is able to understand HTTP. Every request has to contain an appropriate Accept and Content-Type header.

The supported HTTP methods are POST and OPTIONS.

To access a specific service, you have to use the right endpoint. They are built in the following manner:{service}/{api-version}/{format}/{method}

So, an exemplary URL could look like this:

This structure is valid for all document formats except for SOAP. In that case, the {method} parameter is embedded within the request document. This is what an equivalent SOAP request URL looks like:

Our goal is to keep code snippets clean and simple. The majority of developers using SOAP also use a generator for the WSDL file anyway. Please take a look at the JSON or XML examples, because we will not provide examples for SOAP.


	"authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$"
	<authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>

Every request you send must contain the authToken parameter which has to be set to your API key. You can generate API keys in the web control panel.

Remember that API keys might have their own set of rights. This allows you to give your API key exactly the rights that you need for your application.

Request Delegation

	"authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
	"ownerAccountId": "$$ID OF YOUR SUBACCOUNT$$"
	<authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
	<ownerAccountId>$$ID OF YOUR SUBACCOUNT$$</ownerAccountId>

Since subaccount handling is an important feature of the platform system, you can execute every request in the name of your account or any of your subaccounts. To execute a request as a subaccount, you need to add an ownerAccountId parameter containing the ID of the desired subaccount.

Thus the access and right validation will be performed as if the subaccount itself made the request. If your subaccount does not have the right or access to perform the operation, the request will fail - even if your main account or you have this right or access.


Sample single object response
	"responses": [
		"text list element 1",
		"text list element 2"
	"status": "success",
		<item>text list element 1</item>
		<item>text list element 2</item>

Every request will return a response body in the same format of you request. A list of elements contains a responses object and a single element contains a response object.

Sample list response
	"authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
	"ownerAccountId": "$$ID OF YOUR SUBACCOUNT$$"
	<authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
	<ownerAccountId>$$ID OF YOUR SUBACCOUNT$$</ownerAccountId>

If you receive a response body, it will contain a status element that specifies the result in general. The status may have one of the three following values:

Status Description
success The request was successful and processed in a synchronous manner. This usually applies to listings or requests which do not need to access a third party interface.
pending The request was successful but could not be processed in a synchronous manner. This applies to requests which need to access a third party interface in order to be completed, or to requests which may take a long time to complete. You will be informed of the result of these requests via poll messages.
error This status will occur, if there are any problems while processing your request. This could be a data or access violation or an error in a third party interface.

Metadata Object

	"metadata": {
	   "clientTransactionId": "$$CLIENT STRING ID$$",
	   "serverTransactionId": "UNIQUE SERVER TRANSACTION ID"
      <clientTransactionId>$$CLIENT STRING ID$$</clientTransactionId>
      <serverTransactionId>A UNIQUE SERVER TRANSACTION ID</serverTransactionId>

Every developer faces the problem of matching responses or poll messages to requests. To simplify this process for you as much as possible, we provide a metadata object. This object contains a clientTransactionId element and a serverTransactionId element which will help you to keep track of your communication with the API.

Every request may contain an optional clientTransactionId parameter. You can fill this element with any string up to a length of 127 characters. The response and polls associated with your request will contain the same string. The serverTransactionId element is filled by the server and will be present in the response. This ID is unique throughout the whole system. It will also be present in every poll message you receive that is associated with that request.

HTTP Status Codes

While most errors will be communicated via API error codes, some low level issues may cause transport level errors. You should handle the following error codes with an application:

Code Meaning
200 OK
400 The HTTP request was malformed
404 Method, format, or entry point not found
405 Method not allowed
500 Internal server error
502 Server temporarily not available
503 Server temporarily not available due to maintenance
504 Backend timeout

Warnings and Errors

Request contactCreate
	"authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
	"contact": {
		"type": "asd",
		"phone": "+49",
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    "status": "error",
    "errors": [
            "code": 32002,
            "contextObject": "",
            "contextPath": "/contact/type",
            "details": [],
            "text": "Handle type is invalid",
            "value": "asd"
            "code": 32022,
            "contextObject": "",
            "contextPath": "/contact/phone",
            "details": [],
            "text": "Format of the phone number is invalid. The E.123 international notation is required",
            "value": "+49"
   <text>Handle type is invalid</text>
   <text>Format of the phone number is invalid. The E.123 international notation is required</text>

If an error occurs, you will receive detailed information. To speed up the development process and to help prevent a try and error approach, the API collects all errors and warnings related to your request. The response will contain a list of error objects.

Your request may also contain an error that the API will automatically fix. In that case, the response will contain a list of warnings as well. The warnings tell you what was wrong and what the API did to fix the problem (for example a TTL value was too small, so it was raised to the minimum value).

The error object contains a code element which masks the specific error code. The code consists of multiple digits: The last four digits specify the occured error. The digits further up front specify the respective service.

The text contains a human-readable error description. This text can be used to give feedback to users of your application.

If you modify an existing object, the contextObject will be set to its ID. In case of a create request, the field will be empty. In case of a data violation error, the value property shows you the content of the member that caused the error.

details is a list of key/value objects which provide additional information about the specific error. This might help you with debugging or presenting a more detailed error to your user.

The contextPath is a value which points to the element that caused the error. This will help you to easily identify this element in your request document. For JSON requests we use JSON-Pointers (RFC 6901), for XML and SOAP we use XPath (RFC 5261).

Filtering and Sorting

	"authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
	"filter": {
		"subFilterConnective": "OR",
		"subFilter": [
				"field": "domainNameAce",
				"value": "$$DOMAIN NAME 1$$"
				"field": "domainNameAce",
				"value": "$$DOMAIN NAME 2$$",
				"relation": "unequal"
	"limit": 10,
	"page": 1,
	"sort": {
		"field": "domainNameAce",
		"order": "ASC"
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    <value>$$DOMAIN NAME 1$$</value>
    <value>$$DOMAIN NAME 2$$</value>

Each service offers listing methods for the resources it manages. These methods are identical throughout the whole system. Different are the fields you can search in or sort by. The signature of each listing method accepts the following parameters:

Parameter Type Required Description
filter Filter or Chain opt Filter object for the request
limit number opt Maximal number of records that should be returned (Defaults to 25)
page number opt Translates to an offset in the record list.
sort SortOptions opt Fields the result is sorted by

Filter Object

	"field": "domainName",
	"value": ""
Property Type Required Description
field string req Field name
value string req Contains the search string
relation string opt Determins the relation between field and value. Defaults to ‘equal’

In its simplest form, the filter parameter takes a field and a value parameter. The result will match to this condition. The field element refers to the field you want to filter. value is the argument for that field. By default, the value is a case-insensitive exact match. An asterisk (*) can be used to match an arbitrary number of characters (including zero characters).

The field element is restricted to a list of field names which vary from listing to listing. You can find lists of available and valid fields throughout the API. Please refer to specific documentation sections for the respective finding methods. Field names are case insensitive.

The relation element specifies the comparison performed on field and the specific value. It is an optional element and defaults to ‘equal’ if not set. Please see the table below for further details and explainations.

Available relations

Relation Description
equal field must match value exactly
unequal field must not be the same as value
greater field must be greater than value. This might apply to e.g. an integer value, a date or a date time
less field must be less than value. This might apply to e.g. an integer value, a date or a date time
greaterEqual field must be greater than or equal to value. This might apply to e.g. an integer value, a date or a date time
lessEqual field must be less than or equal to value. This might apply to e.g. an integer value, a date or a date time
	"subFilterConnective": "OR",
	"subFilter": [
		{"field": "domainName", "value": "*.de"},
		{"field": "domainName", "value": "*.com"}

Complex queries can be created by chaining condition objects with a chain object. Chain objects can contain further chain objects.

Chain Object

Property Type Required Description
subFilter list<Filter or Chain> req Contains other filter objects
subFilterConnective string req AND or OR

If you are using the SOAP API you have to use the Filter SOAP type for both Filter and Chain objects.


The response will contain an object wrapping the results and some meta information for pagination.

    "data": [
    "limit": 10,
    "page": 1,
    "totalEntries": 50,
    "totalPages": 5,
    "type": "FindDomainsResult"
Property Type Direction Description
page int out-only Page number as requested
limit int out-only Limit as requested
totalEntries int out-only Total number of results
totalPages int out-only Total number of result pages
data list<…> out-only Found objects


The domain part of the API allows to create and maintain domains in a wide variety of domain name registries.

Each domain requires contact information of the owner as well as other individuals and organizations involved in maintaining the domain.

Allocation Description
owner Legal owner of domain name
admin Administrative contact
tech Technical contact
zone Contact for issues regarding the DNS servers or DNS setup of the domain

If a registry has a separate billing contact, the admin contact will be used as billing contact in registry operations.

Each domain requires two or more name servers. They need to serve authoritative answers regarding host names in the DNS zone corresponding to the domain.

The Contact Object

	"accountId": "15010100000001",
	"id": "15010100000010",
	"handle": "JS15",
	"type": "person",
	"name": "John Smith",
	"organization": "",
	"street": [
		"Happy ave. 42"
	"postalCode": "12345",
	"city": "Where ever",
	"state": "",
	"country": "de",
	"emailAddress": "",
	"phoneNumber": "+49 1234 567890",
	"faxNumber": "",
	"sipUri": "",
	"hidden": false,
	"usableBySubAccount": false,
	"addDate": "2015-01-01T00:00:00",
	"lastChangeDate": "2015-01-01T00:00:00"
<name>John Smith</name>
    <item>Happy ave. 42</item>
<city>Where ever</city>
<phoneNumber>+49 1234 567890</phoneNumber>

The contact object is used for managing domains. It can have one of three types:

Contact Object

Property Type Required / Direction Description
accountId string out-only ID of contact managing account. Field never used in requests.
id string see description Contact ID. Ignored in contact create requests. Either id or handle is required in all other requests.
handle string see description Contact handle. Ignored in contact create requests. Either id or handle is required in all other requests.
type string req Valid types are person, org, and role
name string req Full contact name. For organizations this is the name of a contact in the organization.
organization string see description Is a required field for org handles. Name of the organization
Example: Beispiel Ltd.
street list<string> req List of address entries. Contains up to three entries.
postalCode string opt Postal code (address)
city string req City (address)
state string opt State (address)
country string req Country code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 (see or Wikipedia). Will always be returned in lower case.
Example: de
emailAddress string req Must be a valid email address
phoneNumber string req The phone number consists of country code, area code and the local number. These three parts are separated by spaces. Additional spaces are not allowed.
example: +49 123 4567890.
faxNumber string opt Fax number (same rules apply as for the phone number)
Example: +49 123 4567899
sipUri string opt SIP URI
hidden bool opt Can be used to mark unwanted contacts that are still in use. If a hidden contact is used as domain handle, the API will warn you.
usableBySubAccount bool opt Allows direct subaccounts to use this contact
addDate datetime out-only Date and time of contact creation
lastChangeDate datetime out-only Date and time the contact was last modified

Listing Contacts

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "clientTransactionId": "",
    "filter": {
        "field": "ContactName",
        "value": "*Smith*"
    "limit": 10,
    "page": 1,
    "sort": {
        "field": "ContactName",
        "order": "asc"
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    "response": {
        "data": [
            // contact objects
        "limit": 10,
        "page": 1,
        "totalEntries": 15,
        "totalPages": 2,
        "type": "FindContactsResult"
     // contact objects
Request contactsFind
Processing synchronous
Response FindContactsResult

Listing contacts uses the generic filtering and sorting API with the method contactsFind. The response will contain a list of Contact objects.

The following fields are available for filtering and sorting:

Field Description
AccountId Managing account ID
ContactId ID of contact
ContactHandle Handle of contact
ContactType Type of contact (cf. Contact object)
ContactName Name of contact
ContactOrganization Organization of contact
ContactStreet All street entries (contact address)
ContactPostalCode Postal code (contact address)
ContactCity City (contact address)
ContactState State (contact address)
ContactCountry Country of address in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 (cf. Contact objects)
ContactEmailAddress Email address of contact
ContactPhoneNumber Phone number of contact (format, cf. Contact objects)
ContactFaxNumber Fax number of the contact (format, cf. Contact objects)
ContactSipUri SIP URI of contact
ContactUsableBySubAccount Contact is usable by subaccounts
ContactHidden Contact is hidden
UsableForDomainInAccount Must be an account ID. If set, the listing will only return contacts that are usable for domain operations for that specific account.
ContactAddDate Date and time the contact was created
ContactLastChangeDate Date and time the contact was last modified

Retrieving Specific Contacts

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "contactId": "15010100000010"
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    "response": {
        // contact object
     // contact object
Request contactInfo
Processing synchronous
Response Contact object
Parameter Type Required Description
contactId string req ID of contact

In order to retrieve a specific contact, you can either use the contactsFind method and use the ContactId filter or you can use the contactInfo method which uses a contact ID as input and returns the contact object, if it exists.

Creating New Contacts

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "contact": {
        "type": "person",
    	"name": "John Smith",
    	"organization": "",
    	"street": [
    		"Happy ave. 42"
    	"postalCode": "12345",
    	"city": "Where ever",
    	"country": "de",
    	"emailAddress": "",
    	"phoneNumber": "+49 1234 567890"
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
  <name>John Smith</name>
   <item>Happy ave. 42</item>
  <city>Where ever</city>
  <phoneNumber>+49 1234 567890</phoneNumber>
    "response": {
        "accountId": "15010100000001",
    	"id": "15010100000010",
    	"handle": "JS15",
	    "addDate": "2015-01-01T00:00:00",
    	"lastChangeDate": "2015-01-01T00:00:00",
Request contactCreate
Processing synchronous
Response Contact object
Parameter Type Required Description
contact Contact object req Complete contact object

This method is used to create a new contact in the system. The object must contain all required fields. id and handle fields can be filled, but will be ignored. The response will contain the newly created contact object.

Updating Contacts

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "contact": {
        "handle": "JS48", // or "id": "15010100000010"
        "emailAddress": "",
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
 <handle>JS48</handle> // or <id>15010100000010</id>
    "response": {
    	"emailAddress": "",
    	"lastChangeDate": "2015-01-01T12:00:00",
Request contactUpdate
Processing asynchronous
Response Contact object
Parameter Type Required Description
contact Contact object req Complete contact object
actingAs string opt see below

The contact to update can either be identified by id or by handle. All fields not marked ‘out-only’ are set to the values in the contact argument. Optional fields that are not specified in this request are reset to their default values.

The update is pushed to every registry the contact is connected to. This will result in seperate jobs for every registry.

Please note that type, name, and organization of a contact cannot be changed. Some registries do not allow changing phone numbers as well. In case the contact is used in a domain from these registries, the API will return a synchronous error.

The email of a contact that is linked to a domain in a generic extension (com, net, etc) may only be changed by an account that acts as an designated agent of both the new and the old contact.

By passing designatedAgent as the actingAs parameter you affirm that the current and the new contact have explicitly opted in to authorize you to approve a Change of Registrant on their behalf.

To check if an update is an owner change under ICANN rules (i.e. is material change and affects domains under icann rules) you can use the contactUpdateIsIcannOwnerChange api function.

Request contactUpdateIsIcannOwnerChange
Processing synchronous
Response bool
Parameter Type Required Description
contact Contact object req contact object to check

Deleting Contacts

Deleting contacts via API is not possible at the moment and might never be. Unused contacts will automatically be deleted after a while. In that case, an automatic poll message will inform you.

If you want to hide a contact, you can set the hidden parameter to true. Then, the contact will not be shown in the web control panel for registering new domains. Also, the contactsFind method will not return the contact any longer, if you use the filter UsableForDomainInAccount.

The Domain Object

    "id": "150101000000010",
    "accountId": "150101000000001",
    "name": "",
    "nameUnicode": "",
    "status": ["ok"],
    "transferLockEnabled": false,
    "authInfo": "1234,ABCD+xyz",
    "contacts": [
            "contact": "150101000000021",
            "type": "owner"
            "contact": "150101000000020",
            "type": "admin"
            "contact": "150101000000022",
            "type": "tech"
            "contact": "150101000000023",
            "type": "zone"
    "nameservers": [
            "ips": [],
            "name": ""
            "name": "",
            "ips": ["", "2001:db8:3fe:1001:7777:772e:2:85"]
    "createDate": "2014-01-01",
    "currentContractPeriodEnd": "2015-12-31",
    "nextContractPeriodStart": "2016-01-01",
    "deletionType": "",
    "deletionDate": "",
    "addDate": "2015-01-01T00:00:00",
    "lastChangeDate": "2014-12-15T00:00:00"

Domain Object

Property Type Required / Direction Description
id string out-only Domain ID
accountId string out-only ID of account managing domain (field is never used in requests)
name string req Domain name. (Unicode or ASCII format). The name will always be returned in ASCII/ACE format.
nameUnicode string out-only Domain name in Unicode/international format
status string out-only Domain status, cf. below for explanation of statuses
transferLockEnabled bool req If set to true, outgoing transfers will be blocked. Please keep in mind that not every TLD supports this feature.
authInfo string out-only The domain transfer authorisation code for this domain. Only contains a value if transferLockEnabled is not set.
contacts list<DomainContact> req List of contacts for this domain, cf. Domain Contact Object for details
nameservers list<Nameserver> req List of name servers for this domain, cf. Name Server Object for details.
createDate date out-only Date of domain creation. If the domain is transferred in and the registry does not support getting the original creation date, it will be the date of the transfer.
currentContractPeriodEnd date out-only End date of current contract period
nextContractPeriodStart date out-only Start date of next contract period
deletionType string out-only Removal mode (delete or withdraw). Empty when domain is not scheduled for removal.
deletionDate datetime out-only Date the domain is scheduled for deletion or withdrawal. Is empty if domain is not scheduled for removal.
addDate datetime out-only Date and time this domain was created in or transferred into our system.
lastChangeDate datetime out-only Date and time of last modification of any domain data in our system.

DomainContact Object

Property Type Required Description
type string req owner, admin, tech, or zone
contact string req Contact handle or ID in our system. The contact will always be returned as an ID.

Nameserver Object

Property Type Required Description
name string req Fully qualified domain name of name server.
ips list<string> cf. description List of IP addresses of this name server. Required for name servers that are subdomains of the domain itself. Otherwise it is ignored.
Examples: “”, “2001:db8::cafe”, “2001:db8:3fe:1001:7777:772e:2:85”

Domain Status

The following domain statuses are defined:

Domain status Description
ordered Domain is ordered but create or transfer process is not completed yet
active Domain is in customer’s account
restorable Domain was deleted and is in restore grace period
failed Domain is failed; registry will delete the domain if no action is taken

Listing Domains

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "filter": {
        "field": "domainNameUnicode",
        "value": "**"
    "limit": 10,
    "page": 1,
    "sort": {
        "field": "domainNameUnicode",
        "order": "asc"
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    "response": {
        "data": [
            // domain objects
        "limit": 10,
        "page": 1,
        "totalEntries": 15,
        "totalPages": 2,
        "type": "FindDomainsResult"
Request domainsFind
Processing synchronous
Response FindDomainsResult

When listing domains, you use the generic filtering and sorting API with the method domainsFind. The response will contain a list of Domain objects.

The following fields are available for filtering and sorting:

Field Description
DomainId ID of domain
AccountId ID of domain’s managing account
DomainName Domain name in ACE format
DomainNameUnicode Domain name in Unicode format
DomainStatus Domain Status
DomainCreateDate Creation date in registry
DomainCurrentContractPeriodEnd End date of current domain contract period
DomainNextContractPeriodStart Start date of next domain contract period
DomainTransferLockEnabled Activate blocking transfer outs
DomainDeletionType Delete or withdraw domain. Empty, if domain is not scheduled for removal.
DomainDeletionDate Withdrawal/Deletion date. Empty, if domain is not scheduled for removal.
DomainAddDate Date and time the domain name object was created in our system.
DomainLastChangeDate Date and time the domain name was last modified.
ContactId Match domain names using this contact
DomainContactAllocation Match domain names that use ContactId for this allocation
ContactHandle Handle of a contact connected to the domain name
ContactName Name of a contact connected to the domain name
ContactOrganization Organization of a contact connected to the domain name

Registering New Domains

	"authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
	"domain": {
		"name": "",
		"transferLockEnabled": true,
        "contacts": [
                "contact": "150101000000021",
                "type": "owner"
                "contact": "150101000000020",
                "type": "admin"
                "contact": "150101000000022",
                "type": "tech"
                "contact": "150101000000023",
                "type": "zone"
		"nameservers": [
				"name": ""
				"name": ""
				"name": "",
				"ip": ["", "", "2001:db8:3fe:1001:7777:772e:2:85"]
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    "response": {
        "id": "150101000000010",                    // newly generated id
        "accountId": "150101000000001",             // account id used for creation
        "name": "",                      // domain name translated to Ace form
        "nameUnicode": "",               // domain name translated to Unicode form
        "status": ["api-create-pending"],           // domain registration is running
        // ... as supplied in request, contact handles will be translated to ids
        "createDate": "2014-01-01",                 // always current date for create
        "currentContractPeriodEnd": "2015-12-31",   // provisional value
        "nextContractPeriodStart": "2016-01-01",    // provisional value
        "addDate": "2015-01-01T00:00:00",           // always current date for create
        "lastChangeDate": "2015-01-01T00:00:00"     // always current date and time
  <id>150101000000010</id>                                          // newly generated id
  <accountId>150101000000001</accountId>                            // account id used for creation
  <name></name>                                          // domain name translated to Ace form
  <nameUnicode></nameUnicode>                            // domain name translated to Unicode form
  <status>                                                          // domain registration is running
  // ... as supplied in request, contact handles will be translated to ids
  <createDate>2014-01-01</createDate>                               // always current date for create
  <currentContractPeriodEnd>2015-12-31</currentContractPeriodEnd>   // provisional value
  <nextContractPeriodStart>2016-01-01</nextContractPeriodStart>     // provisional value
  <addDate>2015-01-01T00:00:00</addDate>                            // always current date for create
  <lastChangeDate>2015-01-01T00:00:00</lastChangeDate>              // always current date and time
Request domainCreate
Processing asynchronous
Response Domain object
Parameter Type Required Description
domain Domain object req Data for to be created domain

In order to create a domain, you need to send a domainCreate request. This request takes one parameter domain which contains all required information of a domain object.

Each allocation (owner, tech, admin, zone) requires one contact. The system will ensure that only supported contact allocations will be used for registry operations.

The contractPeriod details are provisional values. If the actual registration of the domain is delayed, the contract period will be adjusted accordingly.

Updating Domains

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "clientTransactionId": "",
    "domain": {
        "name": "",
        "transferLockEnabled": false,
        "contacts": [
                "contact": "150101000000025",
                "type": "owner"
                "contact": "150101000000024",
                "type": "admin"
                "contact": "150101000000026",
                "type": "tech"
                "contact": "150101000000027",
                "type": "zone"
		"nameservers": [
				"name": ""
				"name": ""

 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
Request domainUpdate
Processing asynchronous
Response Domain object
Parameter Type Required Description
domain Domain object req Updated domain data
actingAs string opt see below

In order to update a domain, you send a domainUpdate request with a domain object containing the modified properties.

Usually, you need to send a modified version of an object you received from domainInfo or domainsFind.

The modified domain is identified by the id or name property in the supplied domain object. All fields not marked ‘out-only’ are set to the values in the contact argument. Optional fields that are not specified in this request are reset to their default values.

The response will contain the modified domain object.

Changing the owner contact of a domain in a generic extension (com, net, etc) may result in an owner change under the ICANN rules. If this is the case both new and old contact need to confirm the change via emailed confirm code.

By passing designatedAgent as the actingAs parameter you affirm that the current and the new contact have explicitly opted in to authorize you to approve a Change of Registrant on their behalf. Thus the email confirmation will not be needed.

To check if an update is an owner change under ICANN rules (i.e. is material change and affects domains under icann rules) you can use the domainUpdateIsIcannOwnerChange api function.

Request domainUpdateIsIcannOwnerChange
Processing synchronous
Response bool
Parameter Type Required Description
domain Domain object req domain data to check

Retrieving Specific Domains

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "domainName": ""
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
Request domainInfo
Processing synchronous
Response Domain object
Parameter Type Required Description
domainName string req Domain name (ACE or Unicode)

The domainInfo is a shortcut to retrieve data of a domain with a specific name.

Checking Domain Name Availability

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "domainNames": [
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    "metadata": { ... },
    "responses": [
            "domainName": "",
            "domainNameUnicode": "",
            "domainSuffix": "com",
            "status": "available",
            "transferMethod": "authInfo"
    "status": "success",
    "warnings": [ ]
Request domainStatus
Processing synchronous
Response DomainStatusResult object
Parameter Type Required Description
domainNames list req Domain names to check either in Unicode or ASCII format.

In order to check whether one or more domain names are available for registration, you only need to pass a list of the domain names you want to check as domainNames parameter.

The response will contain a list of objects of the following type:

DomainStatusResult Object

Property Type direction Description
domainName string out Name of checked domain in ACE format
domainNameUnicode string out Name of checked domain in Unicode format
domainSuffix string out Domain suffix
status string out Result of check
transferMethod string out Transfer method if domain is already registered

The possible domain statuses can be returned to you:

status Description
alreadyRegistered You (or a sub account) already registered the domain
registered Somebody else registered domain
nameContainsForbiddenCharacter Domain name contains invalid characters
available Domain is available for registration
suffixDoesNotExist Domain suffix does not exist
suffixCannotBeRegistered You are not allowed to register a domain with this suffix
canNotCheck System is currently unable to check availability
unknown Other problems or difficulties occured

If the status is registered, the transferMethod will further specify how you can start a transfer in:

transferMethod Description
"" (empty string) Transfer uses out-of-band authentication. In that case, do not specify authInfo in domainTransfer request.
authInfo Transfer uses authInfo. Supply it in domainTransfer request.
push Domain uses push. First start a domainTransfer to pre-authorize domain transfer to your account and then push to our registrar’s tag with the domain’s current supplier.

Deleting Domains

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "domainName": ""
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
Request domainDelete
Processing asynchronous
Response none
Parameter Type Required Description
domainName string req Name of the domain to be deleted (Unicode or ASCII format)
execDate string opt Scheduled deletion date

In order to delete a domain, you can use the domainDelete request. Its simplest form only requires domainName as parameter. The domain’s scheduled deletion date is set immediately.

Scheduled delete

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "domainName": "",
    "execDate": "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z"
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>

If you also specify an execDate, it will be scheduled for deletion on execDate. This will change the domain object’s deletionType to delete and set its deletionDate.

Withdrawing Domains

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "disconnect": false,
    "domainName": ""
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
Request domainWithdraw
Processing asynchronous
Response none
Parameter Type Required Description
domainName string req Name of the domain to be withdrawn (Unicode or ASCII format)
disconnect bool req Disconnect the domain from name servers after withdrawal
execDate string opt Scheduled withdrawal date

In order to withdraw a domain, you can use the request domainWithdraw. Its simplest form only requiresdomainName and disconnect as parameter. The domain’s withdrawal date is set immediately.

Scheduled withdraw

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "domainName": "",
    "execDate": "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z"
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>

If you also specify an execDate, it will be scheduled for withdrawal on execDate. This will set the domain object’s deletionType to withdraw and set its deletionDate.

Canceling Domain Deletion

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "domainName": ""
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
Parameter Type Required Description
domainName string req Name of the domain (Unicode or ASCII format)

In order to cancel a scheduled deletion (or withdrawal) of a doman, you can use the request domainDeletionCancel. It’s only parameter specifies the domain for which the pending deletion is to be cancled.

Starting Transfer-Ins

	"authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
	"domain": {
		"name": "",
		"transferLockEnabled": true,
        "contacts": [
                "contact": "150101000000021",
                "type": "owner"
                "contact": "150101000000020",
                "type": "admin"
                "contact": "150101000000022",
                "type": "tech"
                "contact": "150101000000023",
                "type": "zone"
		"nameservers": [
				"name": ""
				"name": ""
				"name": ""
	"transferData": {
		"authInfo": "1234,ABCD+xyz"
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
Request domainTransfer
Processing asynchronous
Response Domain object
Parameter Type Required Description
domain Domain object req Data for transferred domain
transferData TransferData object req Additional transfer settings

TransferData Object

Property Type Required Description
authInfo string opt authInfo / Password for domain Transfer
foaRecipient string opt admin, owner, or both: Which contacts should receive the FOA mail.

Transferring domains with the API is a similar process to registering new domains. Please refer to domainCreate for further details on the domain parameter.

When transferring domains, your request needs a transferData object. For most domains you need to fill the authInfo field with a transfer password obtained from the registrar currently managing that domain.

You can check whether this field is required by using the response from the domainStatus request. If the response’s transferMethod is authInfo, it is needed.

Before requests for certain domain suffixes are processed, the registrar has to check with the current owner and/or administration contact whether the transfer is authorized. For these domain suffixes you can specify which contact shall receive an email to pre-confirm the transfer.

Acknowledging Transfer-Out Requests

	"authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
     "domainName": ""
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
Request domainTransferOutAck
Processing asynchronous
Response Domain object
Parameter Type Required Description
domainName string req Name of domain to acknowledge transfer for (Unicode or ASCII format)

The outgoing transfers of certain domain suffixes can be aborted by the registrar currently managing the domain. In that case, a poll message will notify you about the requested transfer. Usually, if you do not send a domainTransferOutNack or domainTransferOutAck in a time period specified by the registry, the transfer out will automatically be approved.

To reject the transfer out, you can simply send a domainTransferOutNack request for the domain. Keep in mind that there are registry-specific restrictions which specify the permitted cases.

	"authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "domainName": ""
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
Request domainTransferOutNack
Processing asynchronous
Response Domain object
Parameter Type Required Description
domainName string req Name of the domain to reject transfer for (Unicode or ASCII format)

If you want the outgoing transfer to proceed, you can explicitly send a domainTransferOutAck request to reduce the time until the transfer out is completed.

Restoring Deleted Domains

	"authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "domainName": ""
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
Request domainRestore
Processing asynchronous
Response -
Parameter Type Required Description
domainName string req Name of the domain you want to restore (Unicode or ASCII format)

When a domain is in restorable state, you can restore it by using the domainRestore request.

Requesting Auth-Info2 (.de)

	"authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "domainName": ""
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
Request domainCreateAuthInfo2
Processing asynchronous
Parameter Type Required Description
domainName string req Name of the domain that the auth-info 2 is requested for (Unicode or ASCII format)

For .de domains there is an additional transfer authorization password. DeNIC will send it via mail to the current domain owner. It can be requested by any registrar. If you want to initiate this process, you need to send a domainCreateAuthInfo2 request.

You can even send this request for domains that are not in your account.

Job Object

    "id": "150223248499677",
    "accountId": "15010100000001",
    "displayName": "",
    "domainNameAce": "",
    "domainNameUnicode": "",
    "handle": "",
    "type": "domainTransferIn",
    "state": "error",
    "subState": "",
    "comments": "",
    "errors": "[{\"code\":30003,\"context\":\"\",\"details\":[],\"text\":\"The provided Authinfo is wrong\"}]",
    "executionDate": "2015-02-23T17:39:23Z",
    "addDate": "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "lastChangeDate": "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z"
 <errors>[{"code":30003,"context":"","details":[],"text":"The provided Authinfo is wrong"}]</errors>

Job Object

Property Type Required / Direction Description
id string out-only Job ID
accountId string out-only ID of account, the job was executed for (usually owner of the object the job belongs to)
type string out-only Type of job
displayName string out-only Either domainNameUnicode or handle, depending on which is set
domainNameAce string out-only Domain name in ACE format
domainNameUnicode string out-only Domain name in Unicode format
handle string out-only Contact Handle
state string out-only State of job
errors string out-only JSON encoded list of errors encountered while executing this job
warnings strnig out-only JSON encoded list of warnings encountered while executing this job
clientTransactionId string out-only Client transaction ID used in request
serverTransactionId string out-only Server transaction ID created for request
executionDate datetime out-only Date and time job was or will be executed
addDate datetime out-only Date and time job object was created
lastChangeDate datetime out-only Date and time job was last modified

Listing Jobs

Request jobsFind
Processing synchronous
Response FindJobsResult

In order to list jobs, you use the generic filtering and sorting API with the jobsFind method. The response will contain a list of Job objects.

The following fields are available for filtering and sorting:

Field Description
AccountId Account ID associated with job
JobId ID of job
JobType Job type, e.g. domainCreate or contactUpdate
JobDisplayName May contain handle or domainNameUnicode (cf. Job object)
JobDomainName Domain name in ACE format
JobDomainNameUnicode Domain name in Unicode format
JobHandle Contact handle string
JobStatus Status of job
JobSubStatus Substatus of job
JobComments Comments of job
JobAddDate Date and time job was created
JobLastChangeDate Date and time job was last modified
JobExecutionDate Date and time job was or will be executed
JobClientTransactionId Client transaction ID used in request
JobServerTransactionId Server transaction ID created for request


The ZoneConfig Object

ZoneConfig Object

The ZoneConfig object defines a zone.

Property Type Required Description
id string see description ID of this zoneConfig. Ignored in zone create requests. Either id or name is required in all other requests.
accountId string out-only ID of the account that manages the zone. This property is never used in requests.
dnsServerGroupId string opt Only used if you use your own servers.
status string out-only Current status of the Zone
name string see description The zone name in ACE format. name is always required in zone create requests and all other requests if no id is provided. While you may use this property for a Unicode zone name, the responses will always contain the ACE encoded zone.
nameUnicode string opt The zone name in Unicode. If it is left empty it will be filled automatically based on name.
masterIp string see description A valid IPv4 or IPv6 must be provided if the type is SLAVE. If the type is NATIVE or MASTER the field must be empty.
type string req Valid types are NATIVE, MASTER, and SLAVE
emailAddress string opt The hostmaster email address. Only relevant if the type is NATIVE or MASTER. If the field is left empty, the default is hostmaster@name.
zoneTransferWhitelist list<string> opt List of IP addresses whitelisted for zone transfers. Only allowed if the type is MASTER. Must contain valid IPv4 or IPv6 addresses.
lastChangeDate datetime out-only Date and time the zone was last modified
soaValues [SoaValues] (#the-soa-values-object) opt Values for the SOA record of the zone. If it is left empty an SOA record with default values will be created.
templateValues [TemplateValues] (#the-template-values-object) opt This property can be used if you want to create the zone with a template.
dnsSecMode string opt See DNSSEC

The Template Values Object

TemplateValues Object

The template values object can be used to create or recreate a zone using a template.

All record templates connected to the template will be converted into records for the zone. These record templates may contain placeholders. A replacement value has to be provided for each placeholder that is used in the template. Otherwise you will receive an error.

The zone may be tied to the used template. A zone that is tied to a template will receive updates automatically.

Cf. The Template Object for more details.

Property Type Required Description
templateId string opt ID of the template
templateName string out-only Name of the used template
tieToTemplate bool opt Tie the zone to the template
templateReplacements [TemplateReplacements] (#the-template-replacements-object) opt Replacement values for the placeholders

The Template Replacements Object

TemplateReplacements Object

The template replacements object is used for recreating and updating templates.

Whenever a template is changed, all zones that are tied to the template are changed as well. If, for example, you add a new record template that contains a placeholder that has not been used in the template before, the zones tied to the template might not have a replacement value for the placeholder.

In that case the replacement value provided with the Template Replacements Object will be used as a default.

Property Type Required Description
ipv4Replacement string opt
ipv6Replacement string opt
mailIpv4Replacement string opt
mailIpv6Replacement string opt

The SOA Values Object

SoaValues Object

The SOA values object contains the time (seconds) used in a zone’s SOA record. The maximum number of seconds is 31556926 which equals one year. Exceeding the maximum and uncercutting the minimum values will cause the request to be aborted and create an error.

Property Type Required Description
refresh int req Refresh for the SOA record. Default: 86400, minimum: 3600.
retry int req Retry for the SOA record. Default: 7200, minimum: 600.
expire int req Expire for the SOA record. Default: 3600000, minimum: 86400.
ttl int req TTL for the SOA record. Default: 172800, minimum: 60.
negativeTtl int req Negative TTL for the SOA record. Default: 3600, minimum: 60.

The Record Object

DnsRecord Object

The DNS Record object is part of a zone. It is used to manage DNS resource records.

Property Type Required Description
id string see description Record ID. Ignored in create zone requests. Either id or zoneId, name, type, and content are required in all other requests.
zoneId string out-only ID of zone that the record belongs to.
recordTemplateId string opt ID of record template the record is tied to. If empty, record has to be managed manually. If tied to record template, record will be removed or updated whenever record template is removed or updated.
name string see description Name of the record. Example: Always required in create requests and in all other requests if no id is provided.
type string see description Type of the record. Valid types are A, AAAA, ALIAS, CAA, CERT, CNAME, DNSKEY, DS, MX, NS, NSEC, NSEC3, NSEC3PARAM, NULLMX, OPENPGPKEY, PTR, RRSIG, SRV, SSHFP, TLSA, and TXT. Always required in create requests and in all other requests if no id is provided.
content string see description Content of the record. Always required in create requests and in all other requests if no id is provided.
ttl int opt TTL of the record in seconds. Minimum value: 60. Maximum value: 31556926 (one year). Exceeding the maximum or undercutting the minimum value will abort the request and result in an error.
priority int opt Priority of record. Only relevant if type is MX or SRV. Must be 0 or greater for those types.
lastChangeDate datetime out-only Date and time of last record modification

The Zone Object

Zone Object

A Zone consists of a Zone Configuration and a list of DNS records and represents the DNS zone.

A Zone object is the result of a zonesFind request.

Property Type Required Description
zoneConfig ZoneConfig out-only
records list<DnsRecord> out-only

List ZoneConfigs

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "filter": {
        "field": "ZoneNameUnicode",
        "value": "**"
    "limit": 10,
    "page": 1,
    "sort": {
        "field": "ZoneNameUnicode",
        "order": "asc"
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    "response": {
        "data": [
            // zoneConfig objects
        "limit": 10,
        "page": 1,
        "totalEntries": 15,
        "totalPages": 2,
        "type": "FindZoneConfigsResult"
Request zoneConfigsFind
Processing synchronous
Response FindZoneConfigsResult

Listing zoneConfigs uses the generic filtering and sorting API with the method zoneConfigsFind. The response will contain a list of ZoneConfig objects.

The following fields are available for filtering and sorting:

Field Description
AccountId ID of the account that the zone belongs to
ZoneConfigId ZoneConfig object ID
ZoneName Zone name in ACE format
ZoneNameUnicode Zone name in Unicode format
ZoneMasterIp Master IP address of the zone
ZoneType Zone type (“MASTER”, “NATIVE”, or “SLAVE”)
ZoneEmailAddress Email address of hostmaster
ZoneLastChangeDate Date and time of last zone update
ZoneSoaRefresh SOA refresh interval of slaves (seconds)
ZoneSoaRetry SOA retry interval of slaves (seconds)
ZoneSoaExpire SOA deactivation timeout of slaves (seconds)
ZoneSoaTtl SOA time to live for negative caching (seconds)
ZoneIpv4Replacement Replacement value for ##IPv4## placeholder in template
ZoneIpv6Replacement Replacement value for ##IPv6## placeholder in template
ZoneMailIpv4Replacement Replacement value for ##IPv4## mail addresses in template
ZoneMailIpv6Replacement Replacement value for ##IPv6## mail addresses in template
TemplateName Name of template associated with zone
TemplateId ID of template associated with zone

Listing Records

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "filter": {
        "field": "zoneConfigId",
        "value": "15010100000010"
    "limit": 10,
    "page": 1,
    "sort": {
        "field": "recordName",
        "order": "asc"
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    "response": {
        "data": [
            // record objects
        "limit": 10,
        "page": 1,
        "totalEntries": 15,
        "totalPages": 2,
        "type": "FindRecordsResult"
Request recordsFind
Processing synchronous
Response FindRecordsResult

Listing DNS records uses the generic filtering and sorting API with the method recordsFind. The response will contain a list of record objects.

The following fields are available for filtering and sorting:

Field Description
ZoneConfigId ID of the zoneConfig object to which the record belongs
RecordId Record object ID
RecordName Name of the record
RecordType Type of the record
RecordContent Content of the record
RecordTtl Time to live (in seconds)
RecordPriority Priority of the record (integer)
RecordLastChangeDate Date and time of last modification

Listing Zones

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "filter": {
        "field": "accountId",
        "value": "150101000000001"
    "limit": 10,
    "page": 1,
    "sort": {
        "field": "zoneName",
        "order": "asc"
  <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    "response": {
        "data": [
            // zone objects
        "limit": 10,
        "page": 1,
        "totalEntries": 15,
        "totalPages": 2,
        "type": "FindZonesResult"
Request zonesFind
Processing synchronous
Response FindZonesResult

Listing zones uses the generic filtering and sorting API with the method zonesFind. The response will contain a list of Zone Objects that consist of a zoneConfig and all its records.

The following fields are available for filtering and sorting:

Field Description
AccountId ID of the account to which the zone belongs
ZoneConfigId ID of the zoneConfig object
ZoneName Zone name in ACE format
ZoneNameUnicode Zone name in Unicode format
ZoneMasterIp Master IP address of the zone
ZoneType Zone type (“MASTER”, “NATIVE”, or “SLAVE”)
ZoneEmailAddress Email address of the zone
ZoneLastChangeDate Time and date of last modification
ZoneSoaRefresh SOA refresh interval of slaves (seconds)
ZoneSoaRetry SOA retry interval of slaves (seconds)
ZoneSoaExpire SOA deactivation timeout of slaves (seconds)
ZoneSoaTtl SOA time to live for negative caching (seconds)
ZoneIpv4Replacement Replacement value for IPv4 addresses in template
ZoneIpv6Replacement Replacement value for IPv6 addresses in template
ZoneMailIpv4Replacement Replacement value for IPv4 mail addresses in template
ZoneMailIpv6Replacement Replacement value for IPv6 mail addresses in template
TemplateName Name of template associated with zone
TemplateId ID of template associated with zone
RecordId ID of record in zone
RecordName Name of record in zone
RecordType Type of record in zone
RecordContent Content of record in zone
RecordTtl Time to live (in seconds)
RecordPriority Priority of record in zone (integer)
RecordLastChangedate Date and time of last modification in zone

Creating New Zones

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "nameserverSetId": "15010100000020",
    "useDefaultNameserverSet": false,
    "zoneConfig": {
            "name": "",
            "type": "NATIVE",
            "emailAddress": ""
    "records": [
            "name": "",
            "type": "A",
            "content": "",
            "ttl": 86000
            "name": "",
            "type": "MX",
            "content": "",
            "ttl": 86000,
            "priority": 0
  <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    "response": {
        "records": [
                "content": "",
                "id": "15010100000020",
                "lastChangeDate": "2015-09-02",
                "name": "",
                "priority": null,
                "recordTemplateId": null,
                "ttl": 86000,
                "type": "A",
                "zoneConfigId": "15010100000010"
                "content": "",
                "id": "15010100000021",
                "lastChangeDate": "2015-09-02",
                "name": "",
                "priority": 0,
                "recordTemplateId": null,
                "ttl": 86000,
                "type": "MX",
                "zoneConfigId": "15010100000010"
                "content": "",
                "id": "15010100000022",
                "lastChangeDate": "2015-09-02",
                "name": "",
                "priority": null,
                "recordTemplateId": null,
                "ttl": 172800,
                "type": "NS",
                "zoneConfigId": "15010100000010"
                "content": "",
                "id": "15010100000023",
                "lastChangeDate": "2015-09-02",
                "name": "",
                "priority": null,
                "recordTemplateId": null,
                "ttl": 172800,
                "type": "NS",
                "zoneConfigId": "15010100000010"
                "content": " 2015090201 86400 7200 3600000 172800",
                "id": "15010100000024",
                "lastChangeDate": "2015-09-02",
                "name": "",
                "priority": null,
                "recordTemplateId": null,
                "ttl": 172800,
                "type": "SOA",
                "zoneConfigId": "15010100000010"
        "zoneConfig": {
            "accountId": "15010100000001",
            "emailAddress": "",
            "id": "15010100000010",
            "lastChangeDate": "2015-09-02T09:42:08Z",
            "masterIp": "",
            "name": "",
            "nameUnicode": "",
            "soaValues": {
                "expire": 3600000,
                "negativeTtl": 3600,
                "refresh": 86400,
                "retry": 7200,
                "serial": null,
                "ttl": 172800
            "status": "blocked",
            "templateValues": null,
            "type": "NATIVE",
            "zoneTransferWhitelist": [
        <priority null="true" />
        <recordTemplateId null="true" />
        <recordTemplateId null="true" />
        <priority null="true" />
        <recordTemplateId null="true" />
        <priority null="true" />
        <recordTemplateId null="true" />
        <content> 2015090201 86400 7200 3600000 172800</content>
        <priority null="true" />
        <recordTemplateId null="true" />
      <masterIp />
        <serial null="true" />
      <templateValues null="true" />
      <zoneTransferWhitelist />
Request zoneCreate
Processing asynchronous
Response Zone
Parameter Type Required Description
zoneConfig ZoneConfig req zoneConfig of the zone
records list<Record> req Records of the zone
nameserverSetId string opt NameserverSet to use for automatic creation of NS records. Default: 0
useDefaultNameserverSet bool opt Use your account’s default nameserver set. Default: false
dnsSecOptions DnsSecOptions opt DnsSecOptions to be used. Default is null.

To create a zone, you need at least a zoneConfig.

A zone may be created manually or from a template. If you want to use a template, you have to at least provide a template ID in the zoneConfig’s template values property. See template object for more details.

Read the DNSSEC Section for more information abound DNSSEC.

See NameserverSet object for more details on using nameserver sets.

Recreating Existing Zones

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "nameserverSetId": "15010100000020",
    "useDefaultNamserverSet": false,
    "zoneConfig": {
        "accountId": "15010100000001",
        "emailAddress": "",
        "id": "15010100000010",
        "lastChangeDate": "2015-09-02T10:14:02Z",
        "masterIp": "",
        "name": "",
        "nameUnicode": "",
        "soaValues": {
            "expire": 3600000,
            "negativeTtl": 3600,
            "refresh": 86400,
            "retry": 7200,
            "serial": null,
            "ttl": 172800
        "status": "active",
        "templateValues": null,
        "type": "NATIVE",
        "zoneTransferWhitelist": [
    "records": [
            "name": "",
            "type": "A",
            "content": "",
            "ttl": 86000
            "name": "",
            "type": "MX",
            "content": "",
            "ttl": 86000,
            "priority": 0
  <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    <masterIp />
      <serial null="true" />
    <templateValues null="true" />
    <zoneTransferWhitelist />
    "response": {
        "records": [
                "content": " 2015090202 86400 7200 3600000 172800",
                "id": "15010100000020",
                "lastChangeDate": "2015-09-02",
                "name": "",
                "priority": null,
                "recordTemplateId": null,
                "ttl": 172800,
                "type": "SOA",
                "zoneConfigId": "15010100000010"
                "content": "",
                "id": "15010100000021",
                "lastChangeDate": "2015-09-02",
                "name": "",
                "priority": null,
                "recordTemplateId": null,
                "ttl": 172800,
                "type": "NS",
                "zoneConfigId": "15010100000010"
                "content": "",
                "id": "15010100000022",
                "lastChangeDate": "2015-09-02",
                "name": "",
                "priority": null,
                "recordTemplateId": null,
                "ttl": 172800,
                "type": "NS",
                "zoneConfigId": "15010100000010"
                "content": "",
                "id": "15010100000023",
                "lastChangeDate": "2015-09-02",
                "name": "",
                "priority": 0,
                "recordTemplateId": null,
                "ttl": 86000,
                "type": "MX",
                "zoneConfigId": "15010100000010"
                "content": "",
                "id": "15010100000024",
                "lastChangeDate": "2015-09-02",
                "name": "",
                "priority": null,
                "recordTemplateId": null,
                "ttl": 86000,
                "type": "A",
                "zoneConfigId": "15010100000010"
        "zoneConfig": {
            "accountId": "15010100000001",
            "emailAddress": "",
            "id": "15010100000010",
            "lastChangeDate": "2015-09-02T09:50:48Z",
            "masterIp": "",
            "name": "",
            "nameUnicode": "",
            "soaValues": {
                "expire": 3600000,
                "negativeTtl": 3600,
                "refresh": 86400,
                "retry": 7200,
                "serial": null,
                "ttl": 172800
            "status": "blocked",
            "templateValues": null,
            "type": "NATIVE",
            "zoneTransferWhitelist": [
        <content> 2015090202 86400 7200 3600000 172800</content>
        <priority null="true" />
        <recordTemplateId null="true" />
        <priority null="true" />
        <recordTemplateId null="true" />
        <priority null="true" />
        <recordTemplateId null="true" />
        <recordTemplateId null="true" />
        <priority null="true" />
        <recordTemplateId null="true" />
      <masterIp />
        <serial null="true" />
      <templateValues null="true" />
      <zoneTransferWhitelist />
Request zoneRecreate
Processing asynchronous
Response Zone
Parameter Type Required Description
zoneConfig zoneConfig object req ZoneConfig of the zone you want to recreate
records list<Record> req New records of the zone
nameserverSetId string opt NameserverSet to use for automatic creation of NS records. Default: 0
useDefaultNameserverSet bool opt Use your accounts default nameserver set. Default: false
dnsSecOptions DnsSecOptions opt DnsSecOptions to be used. Default is null.

Recreating an existing zone will cause it (ie. the zoneConfig and all records) to be deleted and then created anew with the values and records provided with the request. That means, the zoneConfig has to exist. Calling zoneRecreate with a zoneConfig that does not exist will result in an error.

As in creating a zone, a template may be used. Cf. template object for more details.

Read the DNSSEC Section for more information abound DNSSEC.

See NameserverSet object for more details on using NameserverSets.

Updating Zones

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "zoneConfig": {
        "accountId": "15010100000001",
        "emailAddress": "",
        "id": "15010100000010",
        "lastChangeDate": "2015-09-02T10:14:02Z",
        "masterIp": "",
        "name": "",
        "nameUnicode": "",
        "soaValues": {
            "expire": 3600000,
            "negativeTtl": 3600,
            "refresh": 86400,
            "retry": 7200,
            "serial": null,
            "ttl": 172800
        "status": "active",
        "templateValues": null,
        "type": "NATIVE",
        "zoneTransferWhitelist": [
    "recordsToAdd": [
            "name": "",
            "type": "AAAA",
            "content": "2001:db8::1",
            "ttl": 86000
            "name": "",
            "type": "MX",
            "content": "",
            "ttl": 86000,
            "priority": 0
    "recordsToModify": [
            "name": "",
            "type": "AAAA",
            "content": "2001:db8::1",
            "ttl": 86000
    "recordsToDelete": [
            "name": "",
            "type": "MX",
            "content": ""
  <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    <masterIp />
      <serial null="true" />
    <templateValues null="true" />
    <zoneTransferWhitelist />
    "response": {
        "records": [
                "content": "",
                "id": "15010100000020",
                "lastChangeDate": "2015-09-02",
                "name": "",
                "priority": null,
                "recordTemplateId": null,
                "ttl": 172800,
                "type": "NS",
                "zoneConfigId": "15010100000010"
                "content": " 2015090203 86400 7200 3600000 172800",
                "id": "150902246197317",
                "lastChangeDate": "2015-09-02",
                "name": "",
                "priority": null,
                "recordTemplateId": null,
                "ttl": 172800,
                "type": "SOA",
                "zoneConfigId": "15010100000010"
                "content": "",
                "id": "15010100000021",
                "lastChangeDate": "2015-09-02",
                "name": "",
                "priority": null,
                "recordTemplateId": null,
                "ttl": 172800,
                "type": "NS",
                "zoneConfigId": "15010100000010"
                "content": "2001:db8::1",
                "id": "15010100000022",
                "lastChangeDate": "2015-09-02",
                "name": "",
                "priority": null,
                "recordTemplateId": null,
                "ttl": 86000,
                "type": "AAAA",
                "zoneConfigId": "15010100000010"
                "content": "",
                "id": "15010100000023",
                "lastChangeDate": "2015-09-02",
                "name": "",
                "priority": 0,
                "recordTemplateId": null,
                "ttl": 86000,
                "type": "MX",
                "zoneConfigId": "15010100000010"
                "content": "2001:db8::1",
                "id": "15010100000024",
                "lastChangeDate": "2015-09-02",
                "name": "",
                "priority": null,
                "recordTemplateId": null,
                "ttl": 86000,
                "type": "AAAA",
                "zoneConfigId": "15010100000010"
        "zoneConfig": {
            "accountId": "15010100000001",
            "emailAddress": "",
            "id": "15010100000010",
            "lastChangeDate": "2015-09-02T10:14:02Z",
            "masterIp": "",
            "name": "",
            "nameUnicode": "",
            "soaValues": {
                "expire": 3600000,
                "negativeTtl": 3600,
                "refresh": 86400,
                "retry": 7200,
                "serial": null,
                "ttl": 172800
            "status": "blocked",
            "templateValues": null,
            "type": "NATIVE",
            "zoneTransferWhitelist": [
        <priority null="true" />
        <recordTemplateId null="true" />
        <content> 2015090203 86400 7200 3600000 172800</content>
        <priority null="true" />
        <recordTemplateId null="true" />
        <priority null="true" />
        <recordTemplateId null="true" />
        <priority null="true" />
        <recordTemplateId null="true" />
        <recordTemplateId null="true" />
        <priority null="true" />
        <recordTemplateId null="true" />
      <masterIp />
        <serial null="true" />
      <templateValues null="true" />
      <zoneTransferWhitelist />
Request zoneUpdate
Processing asynchronous
Response Zone
Parameter Type Required Description
zoneConfig zoneConfig object req zoneConfig to be updated
recordsToAdd list<Record> req Records to be added
recordsToModify list<Record> req Records to be modified
recordsToDelete list<Record> req Records to be deleted
dnsSecOptions DnsSecOptions opt DnsSecOptions to be used. Default is null.

You can use zoneUpdate to make adjustments to the zone’s zoneConfig, to remove records, to add new records or to modify existing records. All records in recordsToAdd will be added to the zone, while all records in recordsToDelete will be deleted. All records in recordsToModify will be modified. If you insert a record that does not exist into recordsToDelete or recordsToModify, an error will occur.

Existing records that are not contained in either list will not be changed.

Read the DNSSEC Section for more information abound DNSSEC.

Updating Records in a Zone

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "zoneName": "",
    "recordsToAdd": [
            "name": "",
            "type": "AAAA",
            "content": "2001:db8::1",
            "ttl": 86000
            "name": "",
            "type": "MX",
            "content": "",
            "ttl": 86000,
            "priority": 0
    "recordsToModify": [
            "name": "",
            "type": "AAAA",
            "content": "2001:db8::1",
            "ttl": 86000
    "recordsToDelete": [
            "name": "",
            "type": "MX",
            "content": ""
  <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    "response": {
        "records": [
                "content": "",
                "id": "15010100000020",
                "lastChangeDate": "2015-09-02",
                "name": "",
                "priority": null,
                "recordTemplateId": null,
                "ttl": 172800,
                "type": "NS",
                "zoneConfigId": "15010100000010"
                "content": " 2015090203 86400 7200 3600000 172800",
                "id": "150902246197317",
                "lastChangeDate": "2015-09-02",
                "name": "",
                "priority": null,
                "recordTemplateId": null,
                "ttl": 172800,
                "type": "SOA",
                "zoneConfigId": "15010100000010"
                "content": "",
                "id": "15010100000021",
                "lastChangeDate": "2015-09-02",
                "name": "",
                "priority": null,
                "recordTemplateId": null,
                "ttl": 172800,
                "type": "NS",
                "zoneConfigId": "15010100000010"
                "content": "2001:db8::1",
                "id": "15010100000022",
                "lastChangeDate": "2015-09-02",
                "name": "",
                "priority": null,
                "recordTemplateId": null,
                "ttl": 86000,
                "type": "AAAA",
                "zoneConfigId": "15010100000010"
                "content": "",
                "id": "15010100000023",
                "lastChangeDate": "2015-09-02",
                "name": "",
                "priority": 0,
                "recordTemplateId": null,
                "ttl": 86000,
                "type": "MX",
                "zoneConfigId": "15010100000010"
                "content": "2001:db8::1",
                "id": "15010100000024",
                "lastChangeDate": "2015-09-02",
                "name": "",
                "priority": null,
                "recordTemplateId": null,
                "ttl": 86000,
                "type": "AAAA",
                "zoneConfigId": "15010100000010"
        "zoneConfig": {
            "accountId": "15010100000001",
            "emailAddress": "",
            "id": "15010100000010",
            "lastChangeDate": "2015-09-02T10:14:02Z",
            "masterIp": "",
            "name": "",
            "nameUnicode": "",
            "soaValues": {
                "expire": 3600000,
                "negativeTtl": 3600,
                "refresh": 86400,
                "retry": 7200,
                "serial": null,
                "ttl": 172800
            "status": "blocked",
            "templateValues": null,
            "type": "NATIVE",
            "zoneTransferWhitelist": [
        <priority null="true" />
        <recordTemplateId null="true" />
        <content> 2015090203 86400 7200 3600000 172800</content>
        <priority null="true" />
        <recordTemplateId null="true" />
        <priority null="true" />
        <recordTemplateId null="true" />
        <priority null="true" />
        <recordTemplateId null="true" />
        <recordTemplateId null="true" />
        <priority null="true" />
        <recordTemplateId null="true" />
      <masterIp />
        <serial null="true" />
      <templateValues null="true" />
      <zoneTransferWhitelist />
Request recordsUpdate
Processing asynchronous
Response Zone
Parameter Type Required Description
zoneConfigId string opt zoneConfig to be updated
zoneName string opt zoneConfig to be updated
recordsToAdd list<Record> req Records to be added
recordsToModify list<Record> req Records to be modified
recordsToDelete list<Record> req Records to be deleted

You can use recordsUpdate to remove records, to add new records or to modify existing records. All records in recordsToAdd will be added to the zone, while all records in recordsToDelete will be deleted. All records in recordsToModify will be modified. If you insert a record that does not exist into recordsToDelete or recordsToModify, an error will occur.

Existing records that are not contained in either list will not be changed.

Either the ID or the name has to be provided. If both are set, the ID will be used to identify the zone.

Updating a Record Record Set in a Zone

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "hostname": "",
    "recordType": "A",
    "rrSetContents": [
            "content": "",
            "priority": 0
    "removeAllRecords": "false"
  <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
Request resourceRecordSetUpdate
Processing asynchronous
Response empty
Parameter Type Required Description
hostname string req Hostname to change
recordType string req Type of records to changes
rrSetContents list<RrSetContent> req New content of the record set
removeAllRecords bool req Remove records of other types

This request replaces all existing records of a given type with records using the supplied values.

If removeAllRecords is set to true, all other types of records are removed from the given hostname.

Deleting Zones

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "zoneConfigId": "15010100000010"
  <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    "status": "success",
Request zoneDelete
Processing asynchronous
Response empty
Parameter Type Required Description
zoneConfigId string opt ID of ZoneConfig to be deleted
zoneName string opt Name of ZoneConfig to be deleted

The zone will be marked as restorable and removed from the nameservers. After passing the zone’s restorableUntil point the complete zone, ie. the zoneConfig and all records, will be deleted permanently. Either the ID or the name has to be provided. If both are set, an error will be returned.

Restoring Zones

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "zoneConfigId": "15010100000010"
  <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    "status": "pending",
Request zoneRestore
Processing asynchronous
Response Zone
Parameter Type Required Description
zoneConfigId string opt ID of ZoneConfig to be restored
zoneName string opt Name of ZoneConfig to be restored

The zone becomes active again, i.e. is no longer in restorable state, and is send to the nameservers. Either the ID or the name has to be provided. If both are set, an error will be returned.

Purging Zones

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "zoneConfigId": "15010100000010"
  <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    "status": "pending",
Request zonePurgeRestorable
Processing asynchronous
Response empty
Parameter Type Required Description
zoneConfigId string opt ID of ZoneConfig to be purged
zoneName string opt Name of ZoneConfig to be purged

Only works on zones that are already in status restorable. The complete zone, ie. the zoneConfig and all records, will be deleted permanently. Either the ID or the name has to be provided. If both are set, an error will be returned.

Changing Content of Records

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "recordType": "MX",
    "oldContent": "",
    "newContent": "",
    "includeTemplates": false,
    "includeSubAccounts": true
  <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    "status": "success",
Request changeContent
Processing asynchronous
Response empty
Parameter Type Required Description
recordType string req Type of the records to be changed
oldContent string req Search string for record content
newContent string req Replacement content
includeTemplates bool req Replace content of matching record templates as well
includeSubAccounts bool req Replace values in records of zones belonging to subaccounts

changeContent is a tool for bulk updates to multiple zones.

An example: You use the same mailserver for all your zones and it changed. Instead of performing an update of each zone you just use changeContent with the recordType set to MX, oldContent to the old mailserver, and newContent to the new one.

The change will affect all zones with records that match the recordType and oldContent, but no records that were created with templates. If you want those records and their record templates to be affected as well, you just need to set includeTemplates to true.

If includeSubAccounts is true, the change will affect all matching zones managed by your account and the respective subaccounts as well.

Please note that changeContent is currently asynchronous and may take several minutes, depending on how many zones contain a matching record.

Untying Zones From Their Templates

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "zoneConfigIds": [
  <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    "status": "success",
Request zonesUntieFromTemplate
Processing synchronous
Response empty
Parameter Type Required Description
zoneConfigIds list of strings opt IDs of ZoneConfigs to be detached
zoneConfigNames list of strings opt Names of ZoneConfigs to be detached

This will untie zones from the template it was created from. Afterwards, changes to the template will not affect the zones any longer. Cf. template object for more details.

Either the ID list or the name list has to be provided. If both are set, an error will be returned.

Tying Zones to Templates

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "zoneConfigIds": [
    "templateId": "15010100000011",
    "templateReplacements": {
        "ipv4Replacement": "",
        "ipv6Replacement": "2001:0db8:0000:0042:0000:8a2e:0370:7334",
        "mailIpv4Replacement": "",
        "mailIpv6Replacement": "2001:0db8:0000:0042:0000:8a2e:0370:7334"
  <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    "status": "success",
Request zonesTieToTemplate
Processing asynchronous
Response empty
Parameter Type Required Description
zoneConfigIds list of strings opt IDs of ZoneConfigs to be attached
zoneConfigNames list of strings opt Names of ZoneConfigs to be attached
templateId string req ID of the Template to attach the ZoneConfigs to
templateReplacements TemplateReplacements opt TemplateReplacements to be used

This will tie zones to a template. Afterwards all changes to the template will affect the zones. Cf. template object for more details.

New records will be created for all record templates that belong to the template. Should one of these records and an already existing record be identical (i.e. name, type, and content are equal), the old record will be deleted. Either the ID list or the name list has to be provided. If both are set, an error will be returned.


DNSSEC is used to secure DNS Responses. It is specified in the dnsSecMode parameter within a ZoneConfig. You have three options:

Name Description
off DNSSEC will not be used for this zone.
presigned You sign the zone by yourself. In that case, you have to set dnsSecOptions as parameter in your zoneCreate, zoneRecreate or zoneUpdate Requests to null. All DS and RRSET Records must be delivered by your request.
automatic The zone will be signed by our signing servers. No DNSSEC Records have to be specified by you. You can optional define a dnsSecOptions Object as parameter in your zoneCreate, zoneRecreate or zoneUpdate Requests to override the defaults. In the easiest case, just submit null as dnsSecOptions.

There are some objects defined for DNSSEC.

The DnsSecOptions Object

A dnsSecOptions Object can be used to overwrite the defaults on creating or updating zones when using automatic signing mode. It contains the other DNSSEC objects, see below.

DnsSecOptions Object

Property Type Required Description
keys list<DnsSecKey> opt List of DnsSecKey Objects. Default is empty.
algorithms list<string> opt Algorithm, see below.
nsecMode string opt NSEC Mode, see below.
publishKsk bool opt Publish KSK to the registry. Only available if the domain name is registered with us. Default is false.
Manual Key list

If you want to submit own keys, just send then within the keys list. If your list is an empty array, our signing server will generate the keys automatically.

Supported algorithms

At the moment, we only support RSASHA256 as algorithm. This is also the default.

Supported NSEC Modes

We support nsec and nsec3 as NSEC Modes. Default is nsec3.

Publishing KSK to the registry

If your domain name is registered with us, the KSK will be published to the registry if you set publishKsk to true.

The DnsSecKey Object

DnsSecKey Object

With the DnsSecKey object one can submit manual keys for the zone signing.

Property Type Required Description
keyData DnsSecKeyData req DnsSecKeyData to be used.
dsData list<DnsSecDsData> out-only List of DnsSecDsData Objects.
keyTag int out-only Tag of the key
expiresOn datetime out-only Expiry date of the key
comments string req Comments

The DnsSecKeyData Object

DnsSecKeyData Object

With the DnsSecKeyData object one can set the used keys for the zone signing. If nothing is specified, the keys will be automatically generated by our signing server.

Property Type Required Description
flags int req DNS Key Flag
protocol int req DNS KEY Resource Record Protocol
algorithm int req Algorithm
publicKey string req Public Key
Supported flags
Flag Description
256 for zone signing keys
257 for key signing keys

See also here.

Supported protocol

At the moment, we only support 3 (DNSSEC) as protocol. See also here.

Supported algorithms

At the moment, we only support 1 (SHA-1) as algorithm. See also here.

The DnsSecDsData Object

DnsSecDsData Object

The DnsSecDsData object will only be used as output within a DnsSecKey Object. It contains the data you have to send to the registry.

Property Type Required Description
algorithm int req Algorithm
digestType int req Digest Type
digest string req Digest

NameserverSet Object

    "id": "",
    "accountId": "",
    "name": "Server 1",
    "defaultNameserverSet": false,
    "nameservers": ["", ""]
  <accountId />
  <id />
  <name>Server 1</name>

NameserverSet Object

The NameserverSet object is used to manage NameserverSets.

NameserverSets serve a similar purpose to templates: You can create sets for different name server configurations. Then only the ID of the name server set you wish to use for your NS records is needed when creating or recreating a zone. This means you do not need to create the NS records manually.

When you create or recreate a Zone there are two relevant parameters: nameserverSetId and useDefaultNameserverSet.

If useDefaultNameserverSet is set to true, you do not need to provide a nameserverSetId. If you still provide the ID, it will be ignored and the NameserverSet that is marked as default will be used.

If useDefaultNameserverSet is set to false, you may provide a nameserverSetId. If you do so, the NameserverSet with that ID will be used.

If useDefaultNameserverSet is set to false and you do not provide a nameserverSetId or set it to 0, no NameserverSet will be used. In that case, you have to provide at least two NS records for the zone.

Property Type Required Description
id string out-only NameserverSet ID. Ignored in NameserverSet create requests.
accountId string out-only ID of account managing NameserverSet
name string req Name NameserverSet
defaultNameserverSet bool opt If true, this set will be used
nameservers list <string> req List of all name servers in the set. The first entry will be used as primary for the SOA record. Must contain at least two entries.

List Nameserver Sets

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "filter": {
        "field": "nameserverSetName",
        "value": "my nameserver set"
    "limit": 10,
    "page": 1,
    "sort": {
        "field": "nameserverSetName",
        "order": "asc"
  <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    <value>my nameserver set</value>
    "response": {
        "data": [
            // nameserver set objects
        "limit": 10,
        "page": 1,
        "totalEntries": 15,
        "totalPages": 2,
        "type": "FindNameserverSetsResult"
        // nameserver set objects
Request nameserverSetsFind
Processing synchronous
Response FindNameserverSetsResult

Listing NameserverSets uses the generic filtering and sorting API with the method nameserverSetsFind. The response will contain a list of NameserverSet objects.

The following fields are available for filtering and sorting:

Field Description
AccountId ID of account managing NameserverSet
NameserverSetId ID of NameserverSet object
NameserverSetName Name of NameserverSet
NameserverSetDefaultNameserverSet True, if default NameserverSet is used (boolean)

Creating NameserverSet

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "nameserverSet": {
        "name": "Server 1",
        "defaultNameserverSet": false,
        "nameservers": ["", ""]
  <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    <name>Server 1</name>
    "response": {
        "accountId": "15010100000001",
        "defaultNameserverSet": false,
        "id": "15010100000010",
        "name": "Server 1",
        "nameservers": ["", ""]
    <name>Server 1</name>
Request nameserverSetCreate
Processing synchronous
Response NameserverSet
Parameter Type Required Description
nameserverSet NameserverSet req NameserverSet object to be created

Creates a new NameserverSet.

Updating NameserverSets

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "nameserverSet": {
        "name": "Server 1",
        "defaultNameserverSet": true,
        "nameservers": ["", ""]
  <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    <name>Server 1</name>
    "response": {
        "accountId": "15010100000001",
        "defaultNameserverSet": true,
        "id": "15010100000010",
        "name": "Server 1",
        "nameservers": ["", ""]
    <name>Server 1</name>
Request nameserverSetUpdate
Processing synchronous
Response NameserverSet
Parameter Type Required Description
nameserverSet NameserverSet req NameserverSet object to be updated

Updates an existing NameserverSet. If the set does not exist, an error will be returned.

Deleting NameserverSets

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "nameserverSetId": "15010100000010"
  <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    "status": "success",
Request nameserverSetDelete
Processing synchronous
Response empty
Parameter Type Required Description
nameserverSetId string req ID of NameserverSet to be deleted

Deletes an existing NameserverSet. If the set does not exist, an error will be returned.

Getting Default NameserverSet

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$"
  <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    "response": {
        "accountId": "15010100000001",
        "defaultNameserverSet": true,
        "id": "15010100000010",
        "name": "Default",
        "nameservers": ["", ""]
Request nameserverSetGetDefault
Processing synchronous
Response NameserverSet

No specific parameters need to be passed.

This returns the NameserverSet that is used whenever you do not provide a specific NameserverSet ID while creating a zone.

The Template Object

Template Object

The template itself is a simple object only consisting of a name. However, templates are a powerful tool for creating and mass updating zones - quickly and easily.

There are two ways to create or recreate a zone. You can either create the zone by providing a zoneConfig and a list of records

To use a template, you have to at least set the templateId property of the zoneConfig’s template values property. That will cause all record templates attached to the template to be converted into DNS records. Thus enabling you to create a full zone without providing a single record in the zoneCreate call.

Tying Zones to Templates

A zone may be tied to a template, determined by the tieToTemplate property of the zoneConfig’s template values.

Whenever a template is updated, the respective zones will also receive updates. This means:

A zone that is not tied to a template will not change when its respective template is updated.

If you change your mind, you do not need to recreate the zone. Instead, you can use zoneUntieFromTemplate to detach a zone from its template.


Placeholders are a crucial feature of the template system. There are five different placeholders you can use:

##DOMAIN##, ##IPV4##, ##IPV6##, ##MX_IPV4##, and ##MX_IPV6##.

##DOMAIN## will automatically be replaced with the name property of the zoneConfig. It may be used in the name and content properties of record templates. A record template with the type MX could, for example, have the name mail.##DOMAIN##.

##IPV4##, ##IPV6##, ##MX_IPV4## and ##MX_IPV6## may only be used in the content property of record templates. Most commonly ##IPV4## is used for A records, ##IPV6## for AAAA records, and ##MX_IPV4## and ##MX_IPV6## to create target hostnames for MX records. However, usage is not restricted to a certain type.

Using these four placeholders requires replacement values. Not providing a replacement value for a placeholder when creating or recreating a zone from a template, will result in an error.

The replacement values have to be set in their respective properties in the template values object and they have to be valid according to their usage. For example, when your AAAA record template contains the ##IPV6## placeholder, the IPv6 replacement value has to be a valid IPv6 address.

As not all replacement values have to be set when you create a zone from a template, you may provide a template replacements object when recreating or updating a template.

This is necessary if you add a record template using a placeholder that has not been used before. Not all zones tied to the template might have a replacement value for the new placeholder. In that case, the replacement value from the template replacements object will be used as a default.

Property Type Required Description
id string see description ID of this template. Ignored in template create requests. Either ID or name is required in all other requests.
accountId string out-only ID of template managing account
name string req Freely chosen name. It has to be unique within the account.

The Template Replacements Object

TemplateReplacements Object

The template replacements object is used for recreating and updating templates.

Whenever a template is changed, all zones that are tied to the template are changed as well. If, for example, you add a new record template that contains a placeholder that has not been used in the template before, the zones tied to the template might not have a replacement value for the placeholder.

In that case the replacement value provided with the Template Replacements Object will be used as a default.

Property Type Required Description
ipv4Replacement string opt
ipv6Replacement string opt
mailIpv4Replacement string opt
mailIpv6Replacement string opt

The Record Template Object

RecordTemplate Object

Record templates are part of a template.

When you create a zone with a template, each of its RecordTemplates will be converted into a record. Updating a template and adding RecordTemplates will cause converted records to be added to all zones that are tied to the template.

Cf. template object for more details.

Property Type Required Description
id string cf. description RecordTemplate ID. Ignored in RecordTemplate create requests. Either id or templateId, name, type, and content are required in all other requests.
templateId string cf. description ID of template, the RecordTemplate is connected to. Required in non-create requests, if no id is provided.
name string cf. description Name for records created from RecordTemplate. It may contain the ##DOMAIN## placeholder which will be replaced with zone name of zone created from template.
Example: mail.##DOMAIN## may result in
type string cf. description Type for records created from RecordTemplate. Valid types are A, AAAA, MX, NS, CNAME, PTR, SRV
content string cf. description Content for records created from RecordTemplate. If the type is A, the ##IPV4## or ##MX_IPV4## placeholder may be used instead of a specific IPv4. If the type is AAAA, the ##IPV6## or ##MX_IPV6## placeholder may be used instead of a specific IPv6.
ttl int opt TTL for records created from RecordTemplate. Minimum value: 60. Less will result in a warning and the TTL will be corrected to the minimum. Maximum value: 31556926 (one year). Exceeding the maximum or undercutting the minimum value will cause the request to be aborted and result in an error.
priority int opt Priority for the records created from this RecordTemplate. Only relevant if the type is MX or SRV. Must be 0 or greater for those types.

Listing Templates

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "filter": {
        "field": "accountId",
        "value": "150101000000001"
    "limit": 10,
    "page": 1,
    "sort": {
        "field": "templateName",
        "order": "asc"
  <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    "response": {
        "data": [
            // template objects
        "limit": 10,
        "page": 1,
        "totalEntries": 15,
        "totalPages": 2,
        "type": "FindTemplatesResult"
        // template objects
Request templatesFind
Processing synchronous
Response FindTemplatesResult

Listing templates uses the generic filtering and sorting API with the method templatesFind. The response will contain a list of template objects.

The following fields are available for filtering and sorting:

Field Description
AccountId ID of the account managing template
TemplateId Template object ID
TemplateName Name of the template

Listing Record Templates

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "filter": {
        "field": "templateId",
        "value": "15010100000010"
    "limit": 10,
    "page": 1,
    "sort": {
        "field": "recordTemplateName",
        "order": "asc"
  <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    "response": {
        "data": [
            // record template objects
        "limit": 10,
        "page": 1,
        "totalEntries": 15,
        "totalPages": 2,
        "type": "FindRecordTemplatesResult"
        // record template objects
Request recordTemplatesFind
Processing synchronous
Response FindRecordTemplatesResult

Listing template records uses the generic filtering and sorting API with the method recordTemplatesFind. The response will contain a list of template record objects.

The following fields are available for filtering and sorting:

Field Description
TemplateId ID of template object to which template record belongs
RecordTemplateId ID of template record object
RecordTemplateName Name of template record
RecordTemplateType Type of template record
RecordTemplateContent Content of template record
RecordTemplateTtl Time until template record is live (in seconds)
RecordTemplatePriority Priority of the template record (integer)

Creating Templates

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "dnsTemplate": {
        "name": "example template"
    "recordTemplates": [
            "name": "##DOMAIN##",
            "type": "A",
            "content": "##IPV4##",
            "ttl": 10000
            "name": "mail.##DOMAIN##",
            "type": "AAAA",
            "content": "##MX_IPV6##",
            "ttl": 10000,
            "priority": 10
  <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    <name>example template</name>
    "response": {
        "id": "150101000000010",
        "accountId": "150101000000001",
        "name": "example template"
    <name>example template</name>
Request templateCreate
Processing synchronous
Response Template
Parameter Type Required Description
dnsTemplate Template req Template to be created
recordTemplates list<RecordTemplate> req Record templates to be created and associated with template

Creates a new template. Please cf. the template object for more details on how to use templates.

Recreating Templates

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "clientTransactionId": "",
    "dnsTemplate": {
        "name": "example template"
    "recordTemplates": [
            "name": "##DOMAIN##",
            "type": "A",
            "content": "##IPV4##",
            "ttl": 10000
            "name": "mail.##DOMAIN##",
            "type": "AAAA",
            "content": "##MX_IPV6##",
            "ttl": 10000,
            "priority": 10
    "replacements": {
        "ipv4Replacement": "",
        "ipv6Replacement": "2001:db8::2",
        "mailIpv4Replacement": "",
        "mailIpv6Replacement": "2001:db8::1"
  <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
  <clientTransactionId />
    <name>example template</name>
    "response": {
        "id": "15010100000010",
        "accountId": "150101000000001",
        "name": "example template"
    <name>example template</name>
Request templateRecreate
Processing asynchronous
Response Template
Parameter Type Required Description
dnsTemplate Template req Template to be recreated
recordTemplates list<RecordTemplate> req Record templates to be recreated and connected with template
replacements TemplateReplacements opt Replacement values

Recreates an existing template. An error will be returned if the template does not exist.

Updating Templates

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "clientTransactionId": "",
    "dnsTemplate": {
        "name": "example template"
    "recordTemplatesToAdd": [
            "name": "##DOMAIN##",
            "type": "AAAA",
            "content": "##IPV6##",
            "ttl": 3600
    "recordTemplatesToDelete": [
            "name": "mail.##DOMAIN##",
            "type": "AAAA",
            "content": "##MX_IPV6##"
    "replacements": {
        "ipv4Replacement": "",
        "ipv6Replacement": "2001:db8::2",
        "mailIpv4Replacement": "",
        "mailIpv6Replacement": "2001:db8::1"
  <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
  <clientTransactionId />
    <name>example template</name>
    "response": {
        "id": "15010100000010",
        "accountId": "150101000000001",
        "name": "example template"
    <name>example template</name>
Request templateUpdate
Processing asynchronous
Response Template
Parameter Type Required Description
dnsTemplate Template req Template to be updated
recordTemplatesToAdd list<RecordTemplate> req Record templates to be added to template
recordTemplatesToDelete list<RecordTemplate> req Record templates to be removed from template
replacements TemplateReplacements opt New replacement values

Updates an existing template. If the template does not exist, an error will be returned.

Deleting Templates

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "clientTransactionId": "",
    "templateId": "15010100000010"
  <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
  <clientTransactionId />
    "status": "success",
Request templateDelete
Processing synchronous
Response empty
Parameter Type Required Description
templateId string req ID of template to be deleted
templateName string opt Name of the template to be deleted

Deletes an existing template and all record templates connected to it. If both ID and Name are set, the template does not exist, or zones are tied to the template, an error will be returned.


The SSL part of the API allows you to order, renew, or revoke SSL certificates.

Certificates fall in three different categories: domain validated, organization validated, and extended validated certificates.

Please keep in mind, that the SSL API is released as a beta and might have code breaking changes in further releases.

Typical Workflow

Name Comment
auto If your DNS Zone or webspace is hosted with us, our system can validate your domain name automatically.
validateViaDns Create a DNS Record with the name of validationKey and the content of validationValue
validateViaEmail You will receive an email and have to click a link.
validateViaFile Create a file accessible via HTTP under the domain name with the name validationKey, content of the file is validationValue

Available SSL Products

Supplier Product Periods (months) Additional Domain Names ProductCode Validation Type
GeoTrust RapidSSL 12 - ssl-geotrust-rapidssl-12m Domain
GeoTrust RapidSSL Wildcard 12 - ssl-geotrust-rapidssl-wildcard-12m Domain
GeoTrust TrueBizId 12 100 ssl-geotrust-truebizid-12m Organization
GeoTrust TrueBizId Wildcard 12 - ssl-geotrust-truebizid-wildcard-12m Organization
GeoTrust TrueBizIdEv 12 100 ssl-geotrust-truebizidev-12m Organization

The Certificate Order Object

The CertificateOrder object will be used as a base class when creating orders.

    "csr": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----
    "adminContact": {
        "title": "Mr.",
        "firstName": "George",
        "lastName": "Orwell",
        "phoneNumber": "++149635453433",
        "emailAddress": ""
    "techContact": {
        "title": "Mr.",
        "firstName": "Robert",
        "lastName": "Stevenson",
        "phoneNumber": "++1333544451",
        "emailAddress": ""
    "productCode": "ssl-geotrust-rapidssl-12m",		
    "validationType": "validateViaEmail"

Certificate Order Object

Property Type Required Description
csr string req Certificate signing request
adminContact Contact opt Admin contact for order (cf. the contact object)
techContact Contact opt Technical contact for order (cf. the contact object)
productCode string req Contains supplier’s brand and certificate’s product name
additionalDomainNames list <string> opt Additional domains secured by the certificate
autoRenew bool req If true, certificate will get auto renewed on renewDate
validationType string req Method of the validation (auto, validateViaDns, validateViaEmail, validateViaFile)

The CertificateOrder object has to be extended depending on the chosen product:

    "type": "DomainValidatedCertificateOrder",
    "approverEmailAddress": ""

Domain Validated Certificate Order Object

Property Type Required Description
type string req always DomainValidatedCertificateOrder for domain validated orders
approverEmailAddress string req Approver email address
    "type": "OrganizationValidatedCertificateOrder",
    "organization": {
        "organizationName": "Musterfirma",
        "organizationUnit": "IT Service",
        "phoneNumber": "+49635453433",
        "faxNumber": "+49635453433",
        "addressLine1": "Musterstr. 1",
        "city": "Musterstadt",
        "region": "Musterland",
        "postalCode": "12345",
        "country": "DE"
        <organizationUnit>IT Service</organizationUnit>
        <addressLine1>Musterstr. 1</addressLine1>

Organization Validated Order Object

Property Type Required Description
type string req always OrganizationValidatedCertificateOrder for organization validated orders
organization Organization req Organization Object (cf. the Organization Object)
    "type": "EmailCertificateOrder",
    "emailAddresses": [

Email Certificate Order Object

The EmailCertificateOrder is used for ordering SMIME Certificates.

Property Type Required Description
type string req always EmailCertificateOrder for email (SMIME) orders
emailAddresses list <string> req Email Address as list which the SMIME Certificate should contain. At this time this must be exaclty one element.

The OrderConfirmation Object

The OrderConfirmation object is returned if an order has been successfully created.

    "certificateId": "180102xxxxxxxxx",
    "commonName": "",
    "jobId": "180102xxxxxxxxxx"

Order Confirmation Object

Property Type Required Description
certificateId string req Certificate ID
jobId string req Job ID
commonName string req Common Name of the certificate

The Contact Object

You use the Contact object when creating orders.

    "title": "Mr.",
    "firstName": "George",
    "lastName": "Orwell",
    "phoneNumber": "+49635453433",
    "emailAddress": ""

SSL Contact Object

Property Type Required Description
title string opt Title
firstName string req First name
lastName string req Last name
phoneNumber string req Phone number
emailAddress string req Email address

The Organization Object

You use Organization object when creating orders for organization/extended validation certificates.

    "organizationName": "Musterfirma",
    "organizationUnit": "IT Service",
    "phoneNumber": "+49635453433",
    "faxNumber": "+49635453433",
    "addressLine1": "Musterstr. 1",
    "addressLine2": "",
    "city": "Musterstadt",
    "region": "Musterland",
    "postalCode": "12345",
    "country": "DE"
    <organizationUnit>IT Service</organizationUnit>
    <addressLine1>Musterstr. 1</addressLine1>

Organization Object

Property Type Required Description
organizationName string req Name of the organization
organizationUnit string opt Unit of the organization that handles SSL certificates
phoneNumber string req Phone number
faxNumber string opt Fax number
addressLine1 string req First address line, usually street
addressLine2 string opt Second address line / Further address information
city string opt City
region string opt Region/State
postalCode string opt Postal Code
country string opt ISO country code (two letters)

The CSR Object

The CSR object contains information parsed from a CSR.

    "domainName": "",
    "country": "US",
    "emailAddress": "",
    "locality": "Dreamtown",
    "organization": "Example Inc.",
    "organizationUnit": "IT Department",
    "state": "California"
	<organization>Example Inc.</organization>
	<organizationUnit>IT Department</organizationUnit>

CSR Object

Property Type Required Description
domainName string req Domain name (common name)
country string req ISO country code
emailAddress string req Email address (of approver)
locality string req City
organization string req Organization name
organizationUnit string req Subunit of organization
state string req State within country
additionalDomainNames list < string > opt Additional domains secured by the certificate
keyType string req
keyLength int req
eccType string req

Decode CSR Result Object

The DecodeCsrResult object contains information about products and the decoded CSR.

The Decode CSR Result Object

Property Type Required Description
csr CSR req CSR Object parsed from csr request (cf. the CSR object)
errors list <ErrorOrWarning> req Errors
warnings list <ErrorOrWarning> req Warnings
productCodes list <string> req possible ProductCodes matching the CSR

The Certificate Details Object

The CertificateDetails object is returned by certificatesDetailsGet.

    "addDate": "2020-11-24T14:07:05Z",
    "adminContact": {
        "title": "Mr.",
        "firstName": "George",
        "lastName": "Orwell",
        "phoneNumber": "++149635453433",
        "emailAddress": ""
    "techContact": {
        "title": "Mr.",
        "firstName": "Robert",
        "lastName": "Stevenson",
        "phoneNumber": "++1333544451",
        "emailAddress": ""
    "csr": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----\n...\n-----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----",
    "approverEmailAddress": "",
    "id": "65453135153153",
    "lastChangeDate": "2020-11-24T14:09:42Z",
    "type": "DomainValidatedCertificateDetails",
    "validationKey": "",
    "validationType": "validateViaEmail",
    "validationValue": ""
    <validationKey />

Certificate Details Object

Every Validation Type contains the following information:

Property Type Required Description
id string req Certificate ID
csr string req Certificate signing request
adminContact Contact req Admin contact for order (cf. the contact object)
techContact Contact req Technical contact for order (cf. the contact object)
Domain Validated Certificate Details

If you ordered a domain validated certificate, the CertificateDetails object contains additionally the following fields:

Property Type Required Description
validationType string req Validation type
validationKey string opt Validation key
validationValue string opt Validation value
approverEmailAddress string opt Emailaddress of the approver
Organization Validated Certificate Details

If you ordered an organization validated certificate, the CertificateDetails object contains additionally the following fields:

Property Type Required Description
organization Organization req Organization object, see the organization object

The Certificate Object

The Certificate Object is returned by certificatesFind or certificateGetCertificate.

    "id": "65453135153153",
    "accountId": "98687313548",
    "status": "active",
    "orderStatus": "complete",
    "startDate": "2014-12-17T02:23:46",
    "endDate": "2015-01-20T04:33:40",            
    "commonName": "",
    "serialNumber": "581A3F",
    "serverCert": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----

    "intermediateCert": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----

    "rootCert": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----

    "externalOrderId": "1234567890",
    "validitySpanMonth": 1,
    "validationLevel": "XXXX",
    "brand": "DigiCert",
    "productCode": "GeoTrust FreeSSL",
    "additionalDomainNames": [ ]
    <serverCert>-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
-----END CERTIFICATE-----"</serverCert>
    <intermediateCert>-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
-----END CERTIFICATE-----</intermediateCert>
    <rootCert>-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
-----END CERTIFICATE-----</rootCert>
    <productCode>GeoTrust FreeSSL</productCode>

Certificate Object

Property Type Required Description
id string req Certificate ID
accountId string req ID of certificate managing account
status string req Current certificate status
orderStatus string req Current order status
startDate datetime req Start date of certificate’s validity period
endDate datetime req End date of certificate’s validity period
commonName string req Domain name
serialNumber string req Serial number of certificate (issued by supplier)
serverCert string req Server certificate
intermediateCert string req Intermediate certificate
rootCert string req Root certificate
externalOrderId string opt Order ID from supplier
validitySpanMonth int opt Validity period
validationLevel string opt Type of the validation (dv/ev/ov)
productCode string req Contains supplier’s brand and certificate’s product name
brand string opt Name of the certificates brand
product string opt Name of the certificates product
additionalDomainNames list <string opt Additional domains secured by the certificate
cancelableUntil datetime opt Date until the certificate can be cancelled for renew
renewDate datetime opt Date for the next renewal of the certificate
autoRenew bool opt If true, certificate will get auto renewed on renewDate
Certificate Status
Status Description
none Unknown status
active Certificate is validated and active
canceled Certificate has been canceled (as ordered) and is no longer active
revoked Certificate has been revoked and is no longer active
pendingRevoke A request to revoke the certificate has been submitted to the supplier. The request has yet to be approved.
Order Status
Status Description
new Order created, but not yet transferred to certificate supplier (Symantec)
initiated Order created and transferred to supplier
processing Order is being processed by supplier
waitForApproval Order awaits approval by supplier/approver
processingFailed Order processing failed by certificate supplier
manualSecurityReview Order is undergoing manual security review by supplier
complete Order completed and certificate available for use
canceled Order (and certificate) canceled
other Supplier delivered unrecognized status

Listing Certificates

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "filter": {
        "field": "accountId",
        "value": "35455111354542"
    "limit": 10,
    "page": 1,
    "sort": {
        "field": "commonName",
        "order": "asc"
	<authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
	"response": {
		"data": [
		"limit": 10,
		"page": 1,
		"totalEntries": 15,
		"totalPages": 2,
		"type": "FindCertificateResult"
Request certificatesFind
Processing synchronous
Response FindCertificatesResult

The function certificatesFind lets you list existing SSL certificates. The usual sorting and filtering options apply. The response will contain a list of Certificate objects.

The following fields are available for filtering and sorting:

Field Description
AccountId ID of account that ordered certificate
CertificateId ID of certificate
CertificateProduct Product code of SSL certificate. Consists of supplier name and product name.
CertificateCommonName Common name of certificate
CertificateStart Start date and time of certificate’s validity
CertificateEnd Date and time of certificate’s expiration
CertificateStatus Current status of certificate
CertificateSerialNumber Serial number issued by supplier

Getting List of Approver Email Addresses

The function domainApproverList returns the list of email addresses authorized to approve SSL certificates of a given domain name as determined by SSL supplier.

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "domainName": "",
    <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    "response": [
Request domainApproverList
Processing synchronous
Response List of Strings
Parameter Type Required Description
domainName String req Domain name

Decoding CSR

The function csrDecode decodes a given CSR string and returns a Decode CSR Result Object.

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "csr": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----
	<authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
	"response": {
		"csr": {
			"domainName": "",
			"country": "US",
			"emailAddress": "",
			"locality": "Dreamtown",
			"organization": "Example Inc.",
			"organizationUnit": "IT Department",
			"state": "California"
		"errors": [],
		"warnings": [],
		"productCodes": []
			<organization>Example Inc.</organization>
			<organizationUnit>IT Department</organizationUnit>
Request csrDecode
Processing synchronous
Response Decode CSR Result
Parameter Type Required Description
csr String req Certificate signing request
productCode String opt If set, check if given productCode can be used with the CSR

Checking Auto Validation Capability

The function checkAutoValidationCapable can be used to check if a certificate order can be validated automatically.

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "names": [
    "productCode": "ssl-geotrust-rapidssl-12m"
   <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>

The response just contains Errors and Warnings. If no errors or warnings are returned, you can use auto as value for the validationType parameter of an order object.

    "errors": [],
  <errors />
Request checkAutoValidationCapable
Processing synchronous
Response Warnings and Errors
Parameter Type Required Description
names list req all Domain names for which the certificate should be issued
productCode String opt If set, check if given productCode can be used for auto validation, only DV certificates can be auto validated

Ordering SSL Certificates

With the function orderCreate you can order an SSL certificate.

	"authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
	"order": {
		"type": "DomainValidatedCertificateOrder",
		"adminContact": {
			"title": "Mr.",
			"firstName": "George",
			"lastName": "Orwell",
			"phoneNumber": "++149635453433",
			"emailAddress": ""
		"techContact": {
			"title": "Mr.",
			"firstName": "Robert",
			"lastName": "Stevenson",
			"phoneNumber": "++1333544451",
			"emailAddress": ""
		"productCode": "ssl-geotrust-rapidssl-12m",		
		"validationType": "validateViaEmail",
		"approverEmailAddress": ""
	<authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    "response": {
        "certificateId": "180102xxxxxxxxx",
        "commonName": "",
        "jobId": "180102xxxxxxxxxx"
Request orderCreate
Processing asynchronous
Response OrderConfirmation
Parameter Type Required Description
order Certificate Order object req Order object

For the validation types validateViaDns or validationViaFile you have to call the CertifcateGetDetails Method in order to get the validation details after ordering the certificate.

The validation type validateViaEmail proceeds with the traditional email based process.

Ordering SMIME Certificates

If you want to order SMIME certificates for email addresses, you have to use the orderCreate function with the type EmailCertificateOrder. The commonName of your CSR must contain the domain name, not the email address itself. The email address has to be given in the parameter emailAddresses. More information can be found in the description of the Certificate Order Object.

Canceling Orders

With the orderCancel function you can cancel an existing order. This operation is possible before an order is completed.

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "certificateId": "1351212445512",
    <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    "status": "success",
Request orderCancel
Processing asynchronous
Response empty
Parameter Type Required Description
certificateId String req ID of certificate

Getting Certificate Details

The function certificateDetailsGet returns the certificate details which contain all information from the order and for validation.

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
	"certificateId": "65453135153153",
    <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    "response": {
        "addDate": "2020-11-24T14:07:05Z",
        "adminContact": {
            "title": "Mr.",
			"firstName": "George",
            "lastName": "Orwell",
            "phoneNumber": "++149635453433",
            "emailAddress": ""
		"techContact": {
            "title": "Mr.",
            "firstName": "Robert",
            "lastName": "Stevenson",
            "phoneNumber": "++1333544451",
            "emailAddress": ""
        "csr": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----\n...\n-----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----",
		"approverEmailAddress": "",
        "id": "65453135153153",
        "lastChangeDate": "2020-11-24T14:09:42Z",
        "type": "DomainValidatedCertificateDetails",
        "validationKey": "",
        "validationType": "validateViaEmail",
        "validationValue": ""
      <csr>-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----
      <validationKey />
Request certificateDetailsGet
Processing synchronous
Response CertificateDetails
Parameter Type Required Description
certificateId String req ID of certificate

For the validation type validateViaDns, the response’s validationKey will contain the name of a TXT record that needs to be created to proceed. validationValue will contain the content of that record.

For the validation type validationViaFile, validationKey will contain the address and name of the file that needs to be made available and validationValue will contain the content of that file.

Getting one Certificate

The function certificateGet returns exaclty one certificate object.

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
	"certificateId": "65453135153153",
    <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    "response": {
        "certificate": {
            "id": "65453135153153",
            "accountId": "98687313548",
            "status": "active",
            "orderStatus": "complete",
            "startDate": "2014-12-17T02:23:46",
            "endDate": "2015-01-20T04:33:40",            
            "commonName": "",
            "serialNumber": "581A3F",
            "serverCert": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----

            "intermediateCert": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----

            "rootCert": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----

            "externalOrderId": "1234567890",
            "validitySpanMonth": 1,
            "validationLevel": "XXXX",
            "brand": "DigiCert",
            "productCode": "GeoTrust FreeSSL",
            "additionalDomainNames": [ ]
			<serverCert>-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
-----END CERTIFICATE-----"</serverCert>
			<intermediateCert>-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
-----END CERTIFICATE-----</intermediateCert>
			<rootCert>-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
-----END CERTIFICATE-----</rootCert>
            <productCode>GeoTrust FreeSSL</productCode>
Request certificateGet
Processing synchronous
Response Certificate
Parameter Type Required Description
certificateId String req ID of certificate

Resending Approver Email

The function orderResendApproverEmail will trigger the SSL supplier to resend the approver emails, if the validation method of the order is validationViaEmail.

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "certificateId": "1351212445512",
    <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    "status": "success",
Request orderResendApproverEmail
Processing synchronous
Response empty
Parameter Type Required Description
certificateId String req ID of certificate

Revoking Certificates

The function certificateRevoke will trigger the SSL supplier to revoce a certificate. Revocation has to be validated by the approver of the certificate.

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "certificateId": "981212445512"
    <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    "status": "success",
Request certificateRevoke
Processing synchronous
Response empty
Parameter Type Required Description
certificateId String req Id of certificate

Reissuing a Certificate

You can reissue an existing certificate without costs for at least five times. This can be needed if you lost your key for the certificate.

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "certificateId": "981212445512",
    "csr": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----
    <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    "status": "success",
Request certificateReissue
Processing asynchronous
Response empty
Parameter Type Required Description
certificateId String req ID of certificate
csr String opt new CSR for the certificate


The machine section of the API allows you to create and manage virtual machines.

The object that describes a virtual machine is the Virtual Machine object.

The VirtualMachine Object

VirtualMachine Object

Property Type Required / Direction Description
accountId string out-only ID of account that manages this virtual machine. This field is never used in requests.
id string see description ID of this virtual machine. Ignored in vm create requests. This property is required in all other requests regarding virtual machine management.
name string required Virtual machine name
description string optional Custom description for virtual machine
product string required Product code of the virtual machine which defines its main properties.
memory int out-only RAM memory capacity of the virtual machine
cpuNumber int out-only Number of CPU cores assigned to the virtual machine
architecture string out-only Architecture of the virtual machine
status string out-only Status of the virtual machine
ipAddress string out-only IP address assigned to the virtual machine during creation or migration
rdns string out-only Reverse DNS entry to the virtual machine’s IP address.
power string out-only Describes the virtual machine’s power status: on or off
rescue string out-only Indicates whether the virtual machine is in rescue mode:on or off
disks Disk out-only Shows the virtual machine’s disks (cf. description of disk object in according section)
networkInterfaces NetworkInterface out-only Shows the virtual machine’s network interfaces (cf. description of network interface object in according section)
paidUntil datetime out-only Time that the virtual machine is paid for
renewOn datetime out-only Time of the next automatic debit of accounting period. This point of time is always before the paidUntil time. renewOn time calculation: subtract the notice period from paidUntil time
addDate datetime out-only Date and time the contact was created in the system
lastChangeDate datetime out-only Last date and time the contact was modified

Listing Virtual Machines

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "filter": {
        "field": "virtualMachineName",
        "value": "test vm"
    "limit": 10,
    "page": 1,
    "sort": {
        "field": "virtualMachineName",
        "order": "asc"
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
  <value>test vm</value>
    "response": {
        "data": [
            // vm objects
        "limit": 10,
        "page": 1,
        "totalEntries": 15,
        "totalPages": 2,
        "type": "FindVirtualMachinesResult"
Request virtualMachinesFind
Processing synchronous
Response FindVirtualMachinesResult

Listing virtual machines uses the generic filtering and sorting API with the method virtualMachinesFind. The response will contain a list of VirtualMachine objects.

The following fields are available for filtering and sorting:

Field Description
AccountId ID of account managing the virtual machine
VirtualMachineId ID of virtual machine
VirtualMachineName Name of virtual machine
VirtualMachineDescription Description of virtual machine
VirtualMachineProductCode Virtual machine product code
VirtualMachineMemory Virtual machine assigned RAM
VirtualMachineCpuNumber Virtual machine assigned cpu cores
VirtualMachineArchitecture Architecture of virtual machine
VirtualMachineStatus Status of virtual machine
VirtualMachinePower Power status of virtual machine
VirtualMachineRescue Rescue mode status of virtual machine
VirtualMachineIpAddress IP address of virtual machine
VirtualMachineDeletionScheduledFor Deletion date and time of virtual machine
VirtualMachinePaidUntil Date and Time until virtual machine is paid for
VirtualMachineRenewOn Date and Time of next automatic renewal (and payment)
VirtualMachineAddDate Date and time virtual machine was created
VirtualMachineLastChangeDate Date and time of last modification

Creating Virtual Machines

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",    
    "virtualMachine": {
      "name": "example vm",
      "productCode": "machine-virtualmachine-small-v1-1m",
      "description": "test vm"
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
  <description>test vms</description>
  <name>example vm</name>
  "response": {
    "id": "150101aaaaaaaaaa001",                                     // generated id
    "accountId": "15010100000001",                                   // account id used for creation
    "name": "example vm",
    "description": "test vm",
    "productCode": "machine-virtualmachine-small-v1-1m",
    "memory": 1024,
    "cpuNumber": 1,
    "architecture": "x86_64",
    "ipAddress": "",                                                 // the ip address will be assigned later
    "networkInterfaces": [
        "mac": "1a:01:b7:4e:32:d3"
    "status": "creating",
    "power": "off",
    "rescue": "off",
    "rdns": null,
    "paidUntil": "2016-02-01T15:57:35Z",
    "renewOn": "2016-01-31T15:57:35Z",
    "deletionScheduledFor": null,   
    "restorableUntil": null,
    "addDate": "2016-01-01T15:57:35Z",
    "lastChangeDate": "2016-01-01T15:57:35Z"
    <id>150101aaaaaaaaaa001</id>                                     // generated id
    <accountId>15010100000001</accountId>                            // account id used for creation
    <name>example vm</name>
    <description>test vm</description>
    <ipAddress></ipAddress>                                          // the ip address will be assigned later
Request virtualMachineCreate
Processing asynchronous
Response VirtualMachine object

This method is used to create new virtual machines. It takes a VirtualMachine object as a parameter. The required properties that have to be specified in order to create a virtual machine are name and product code.

The response will be a temporary status of your object, so it might not display or differ from its final status after the creation. After fully creating the virtual machine, all properties of the object will be completed. It can be retrieved by the virtualMachinesFind method.

Install OS Image on a Virtual Machine

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "virtualMachineId": "150101aaaaaaaaaa001",
    "json": "{ \"rootUserKeys\": \"\", \"rootUserPass\": \"yourpassword\" }",
    "osId": "debian-bullseye"
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
 <json>{ "rootUserKeys": "", "rootUserPass": "yourpassword" }</json>
  "response": {
    "id": "150101aaaaaaaaaa001",
    "accountId": "15010100000001",
    "name": "example vm",
    "description": "test vm",
    "productCode": "machine-virtualmachine-small-v1-1m",
    "memory": 1024,
    "cpuNumber": 1,
    "architecture": "x86_64",
    "ipAddress": "",
    "networkInterfaces": [
        "mac": "1a:01:b7:4e:32:d3"
    "status": "active",
    "power": "on",
    "rescue": "off",
    "rdns": null,
    "paidUntil": "2016-02-01T15:57:35Z",
    "renewOn": "2016-01-31T15:57:35Z",
    "deletionScheduledFor": null,   
    "restorableUntil": null,
    "addDate": "2016-01-01T15:57:35Z",
    "lastChangeDate": "2016-01-01T15:57:35Z"
    <name>example vm</name>
    <description>test vm</description>
Request virtualMachineInstall
Processing asynchronous
Response VirtualMachine object

In our example we install a Debian OS. Other operating systems may need other variables. One can receive a list of possible operating systems with the osInstallerList method. In the applications variable of this method one can find the possible variables for any OS. The variables must be passed as JSON string in json.

Enabling Rescue Mode

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",    
    "virtualMachineId": "150101aaaaaaaaaa001",
    "rootPassword" : "jaDr49Ang!sd2eonH",
    "publicKeys" : [],
    "reset" : true
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
  "response": {
    "id": "150101aaaaaaaaaa001",
    "accountId": "15010100000001",
    "name": "example vm",
    "description": "test vm",
    "productCode": "machine-virtualmachine-small-v1-1m",
    "memory": 1024,
    "cpuNumber": 1,
    "architecture": "x86_64",
    "ipAddress": "",
    "networkInterfaces": [
        "mac": "1a:01:b7:4e:32:d3"
    "status": "active",
    "power": "on",
    "rescue": "off",
    "rdns": null,
    "paidUntil": "2016-02-01T15:57:35Z",
    "renewOn": "2016-01-31T15:57:35Z",
    "deletionScheduledFor": null,   
    "restorableUntil": null,
    "addDate": "2016-01-01T15:57:35Z",
    "lastChangeDate": "2016-01-01T15:57:35Z"
    <name>example vm</name>
    <description>test vm</description>
Request virtualMachineEnableRescue
Processing asynchronous
Response VirtualMachine object

This method enables the rescue mode for the virtual machine. If the virtual machine is already in rescue mode, you will not be able to turn it on again.

Setting a rescue mode password is mandatory. Additionally, you are able to supply public SSH keys for the access. When rescue mode is activated, the virtual machine will boot in this mode the next time you restart the system. The ‘reset’ parameter lets you decide whether you want to restart the machine manually or the machine should restart automatically after the configuration is done.

After successfully completing the job for enabling the rescue mode and restarting the virtual machine, you can access it with the specified access options.

It is important to notice that the rescue mode will not be disabled automatically. You must disable it using the virtualMachineDisableRescue.

Disabling Rescue Mode

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",    
    "virtualMachineId": "150101aaaaaaaaaa001",
    "reset" : true
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
  "response": {
    "id": "150101aaaaaaaaaa001",
    "accountId": "15010100000001",
    "name": "example vm",
    "description": "test vm",
    "productCode": "machine-virtualmachine-small-v1-1m",
    "memory": 1024,
    "cpuNumber": 1,
    "architecture": "x86_64",
    "ipAddress": "",                                        
    "networkInterfaces": [
        "mac": "1a:01:b7:4e:32:d3"
    "status": "active",
    "power": "on",
    "rescue": "on",
    "rdns": null,
    "paidUntil": "2016-02-01T15:57:35Z",
    "renewOn": "2016-01-31T15:57:35Z",
    "deletionScheduledFor": null,   
    "restorableUntil": null,
    "addDate": "2016-01-01T15:57:35Z",
    "lastChangeDate": "2016-01-01T15:57:35Z"
    <name>example vm</name>
    <description>test vm</description>
Request virtualMachineDisableRescue
Processing asynchronous
Response VirtualMachine object

This method disables the rescue mode of the virtual machine. It is only possible to disable it for machines that are currently in rescue mode. After disabling rescue mode, the virtual machine will boot the currently installed operating system (as usual), the next time you start the machine. You can set the ‘reset’ parameter to ‘true’ to run the machine’s restart automatically at the and of the rescue mode disabling process.

Changing the Virtual Machine Product Code

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",    
    "virtualMachineId": "150101aaaaaaaaaa001",
    "productCode" : "machine-virtualmachine-large-v1-1m"    
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
  "response": {
    "id": "150101aaaaaaaaaa001",
    "accountId": "15010100000001",
    "name": "example vm",
    "description": "test vm",
    "productCode": "machine-virtualmachine-large-v1-1m",
    "memory": 1024,
    "cpuNumber": 1,
    "architecture": "x86_64",
    "ipAddress": "",
    "networkInterfaces": [
        "mac": "1a:01:b7:4e:32:d3"
    "status": "active",
    "power": "on",
    "rescue": "off",
    "rdns": null,
    "paidUntil": "2016-02-01T15:57:35Z",
    "renewOn": "2016-01-31T15:57:35Z",
    "deletionScheduledFor": null,   
    "restorableUntil": null,
    "addDate": "2016-01-01T15:57:35Z",
    "lastChangeDate": "2016-01-01T15:57:35Z"
    <name>example vm</name>
    <description>test vm</description>
Request virtualMachineChangeProduct
Processing asynchronous
Response VirtualMachine object

Every virtual machine has a product code parameter that defines the major characteristics of the machine, e.g. CPU core numbers, RAM, disc capacity, etc. Using the virtualMachineChangeProductCode, you can change the product code of the virtual machine, upgrading or downgrading to the selected code.

The changes will take effect after the next restart of the virtual machine. You can set the ‘reset’ parameter of the method to ‘true’ to restart the virtual machine automatically after the machine’s properties are adjusted according to the chosen product.

Deleting Virtual Machines

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",    
    "virtualMachineId": "150101aaaaaaaaaa001"
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
  "status": "pending"
Request virtualMachineDelete
Processing asynchronous
Response none

This method deletes a virtual machine. It will be in status restorable for 7 days, afterwards it will removed automatically.

Purging Virtual Machines

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",    
    "virtualMachineId": "150101aaaaaaaaaa001"
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
  "status": "pending"
Request virtualMachinePurgeRestorable
Processing asynchronous
Response none

This method removes a restorable object permanently. You will not be able to restore it afterwards.

Power Management

The API provides convenient methods to manage the power status of virtual machines. All power management methods take only one parameter - the ID of the virtual machine.

Power On

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",    
    "virtualMachineId": "150101aaaaaaaaaa001"
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
  "response": {
    "id": "150101aaaaaaaaaa001",
    "accountId": "15010100000001",
    "name": "example vm",
    "description": "test vm",
    "productCode": "machine-virtualmachine-small-v1-1m",
    "memory": 1024,
    "cpuNumber": 1,
    "architecture": "x86_64",
    "ipAddress": "",
    "networkInterfaces": [
        "mac": "1a:01:b7:4e:32:d3"
    "status": "active",
    "power": "off",
    "rescue": "off",
    "rdns": null,
    "paidUntil": "2016-02-01T15:57:35Z",
    "renewOn": "2016-01-31T15:57:35Z",
    "deletionScheduledFor": null,   
    "restorableUntil": null,
    "addDate": "2016-01-01T15:57:35Z",
    "lastChangeDate": "2016-01-01T15:57:35Z"
    <name>example vm</name>
    <description>test vm</description>
Request virtualMachinePowerOn
Processing asynchronous
Response VirtualMachine object

You can use the virtualMachinePowerOn method to turn on a virtual machine.

Power Off

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",    
    "virtualMachineId": "150101aaaaaaaaaa001"
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
  "response": {
    "id": "150101aaaaaaaaaa001",
    "accountId": "15010100000001",
    "name": "example vm",
    "description": "test vm",
    "productCode": "machine-virtualmachine-small-v1-1m",
    "memory": 1024,
    "cpuNumber": 1,
    "architecture": "x86_64",
    "ipAddress": "",
    "networkInterfaces": [
        "mac": "1a:01:b7:4e:32:d3"
    "status": "active",
    "power": "on",
    "rescue": "off",
    "rdns": null,
    "paidUntil": "2016-02-01T15:57:35Z",
    "renewOn": "2016-01-31T15:57:35Z",
    "deletionScheduledFor": null,   
    "restorableUntil": null,
    "addDate": "2016-01-01T15:57:35Z",
    "lastChangeDate": "2016-01-01T15:57:35Z"
    <name>example vm</name>
    <description>test vm</description>
Request virtualMachinePowerOff
Processing asynchronous
Response VirtualMachine object

The virtualMachinePowerOff method lets you turn off a virtual machine. It basically emulates unplugging the machine’s power adapter.


    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",    
    "virtualMachineId": "150101aaaaaaaaaa001"
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
  "response": {
    "id": "150101aaaaaaaaaa001",
    "accountId": "15010100000001",
    "name": "example vm",
    "description": "test vm",
    "productCode": "machine-virtualmachine-small-v1-1m",
    "memory": 1024,
    "cpuNumber": 1,
    "architecture": "x86_64",
    "ipAddress": "",
    "networkInterfaces": [
        "mac": "1a:01:b7:4e:32:d3"
    "status": "active",
    "power": "on",
    "rescue": "off",
    "rdns": null,
    "paidUntil": "2016-02-01T15:57:35Z",
    "renewOn": "2016-01-31T15:57:35Z",
    "deletionScheduledFor": null,   
    "restorableUntil": null,
    "addDate": "2016-01-01T15:57:35Z",
    "lastChangeDate": "2016-01-01T15:57:35Z"
    <name>example vm</name>
    <description>test vm</description>
Request virtualMachineShutdown
Processing asynchronous
Response VirtualMachine object

By using the virtualMachineShutdown method you can gracefully shutdown a virtual machine. It will receive an ACPI shutdown request. If the currently installed operating system of the virtual machine does not handle ACPI request, this method will have no effect.

All operating systems you installed by using our installer system will automatically handle ACPI requests. For any other custom installations, you need to ensure that those request are handled properly.


    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",    
    "virtualMachineId": "150101aaaaaaaaaa001"
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
  "response": {
    "id": "150101aaaaaaaaaa001",
    "accountId": "15010100000001",
    "name": "example vm",
    "description": "test vm",
    "productCode": "machine-virtualmachine-small-v1-1m",
    "memory": 1024,
    "cpuNumber": 1,
    "architecture": "x86_64",
    "ipAddress": "",
    "networkInterfaces": [
        "mac": "1a:01:b7:4e:32:d3"
    "status": "active",
    "power": "on",
    "rescue": "off",
    "rdns": null,
    "paidUntil": "2016-02-01T15:57:35Z",
    "renewOn": "2016-01-31T15:57:35Z",
    "deletionScheduledFor": null,   
    "restorableUntil": null,
    "addDate": "2016-01-01T15:57:35Z",
    "lastChangeDate": "2016-01-01T15:57:35Z"
    <name>example vm</name>
    <description>test vm</description>
Request virtualMachineReboot
Processing asynchronous
Response VirtualMachine object

By using the virtualMachineReboot method you can gracefully reboot a virtual machine. Similarly to the virtualMachineShutdown method the virtual machine will also receive an ACPI request - this time for a reboot. If the currently installed operating system does not handle ACPI requests, this method will have no effect.

All operating systems you installed by using our installer system will automatically handle ACPI requests. For any other custom installations, you need to ensure that the ACPI requests are handled properly.


    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",    
    "virtualMachineId": "150101aaaaaaaaaa001"
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
  "response": {
    "id": "150101aaaaaaaaaa001",
    "accountId": "15010100000001",
    "name": "example vm",
    "description": "test vm",
    "productCode": "machine-virtualmachine-small-v1-1m",
    "memory": 1024,
    "cpuNumber": 1,
    "architecture": "x86_64",
    "ipAddress": "",
    "networkInterfaces": [
        "mac": "1a:01:b7:4e:32:d3"
    "status": "active",
    "power": "on",
    "rescue": "off",
    "rdns": null,
    "paidUntil": "2016-02-01T15:57:35Z",
    "renewOn": "2016-01-31T15:57:35Z",
    "deletionScheduledFor": null,   
    "restorableUntil": null,
    "addDate": "2016-01-01T15:57:35Z",
    "lastChangeDate": "2016-01-01T15:57:35Z"
    <name>example vm</name>
    <description>test vm</description>
Request virtualMachineReset
Processing asynchronous
Response VirtualMachine object

By using the virtualMachineReset method the user can reset a virtual machine. This method emulates the behavior of pushing the reset power button.

Web Hosting

The web hosting section of the API allows you to create and manage web spaces and web hosting domains.

Each website is configured in a vhost (virtual host) that is contained in a webspace.

The webspace represents storage on a concrete web server in the platform. This is where cron jobs and access permissions are managed. One webspace can contain multiple vhosts.

The vhost represents a website and contains website specific settings like domain name, php version, SSL settings, redirects, and special handling for locations.

The User Object

The user object describes a user who can be authorized to access a web space. One user can be authorized in any number of web spaces. Central management of passwords and SSH keys is possible.

    "accountId": "15010100000001",
    "addDate": "2016-03-14T08:50:53Z",
    "comments": "",
    "id": "15010100000091",
    "lastChangeDate": "2016-03-14T08:50:53Z",
    "name": "John Smith",
    "sshKey": "",
    "status": "active",
    "userName": "ayapzk"
 <name>John Smith</name>

User Object

Property Type Required Description
id string cf. description Ignored in user create requests. Required in all other requests
accountId string out-only ID of account managing user
name string req Name of user (for display purposes)
userName string out-only user key: short alphanumeric string used for generating unique webspace access names
sshKey string opt Public SSH key of user in same as in authorized_keys file of openssh
comments string opt Additional information about user. Value can be freely defined by platform account holder.
status string out-only user status
addDate datetime out-only Date and time of user creation
lastChangeDate datetime out-only Date and time of last user modification

The Webspace Object

The object that describes a web space is the webspace object.

    "accesses": [
            "addDate": "2016-03-14T09:11:24Z",
            "ftpAccess": true,
            "lastChangeDate": "2016-03-14T09:11:24Z",
            "sshAccess": true,
            "statsAccess": true,
            "userId": "15010100000091",
            "userName": "webv4h25r_ayapzk",
            "webspaceId": "15010100000094"
    "accountId": "15010100000001",
    "addDate": "2016-03-14T09:11:24Z",
    "cronJobs": [
    "currentContractPeriodEnd": "2016-04-14T09:11:24Z",
    "deletionDate": null,
    "id": "15010100000094",
    "lastChangeDate": "2016-03-14T09:11:24Z",
    "name": "Example",
    "comments": "Opt. example comments",
    "product": "Default",
    "restorableUntil": null,
    "serverIpv4": "",
    "status": "creating",
    "storageQuota": 10240,
    "storageQuotaUsedRatio": 0,
    "storageUsed": 0,
    "webspaceName": "webv4h25r"
 <comments>Opt. example comments</comments>

Webspace Object

Property Type Required Description
id string cf. description ID of webspace. Ignored in webspace create requests. Required in all other requests.
accountId string out-only ID of managing account
bundleId string opt ID of the bundle which contains the websppace of the vHost.
name string req Name of webspace
comments string opt Additional information about webspace. Value can be freely defined by platform account holder.
webspaceName string opt webspace key: short alphanumeric string used as unique identifier system generated names.
productCode string req product code for this webspace.
storageQuotaIncluded int out-only Storage Quota which is included (free without costs) in the webspace
storageQuota int out-only Storage Quota the wespace has defined in reality
storageUsed int out-only Storgae which is used on the webserver
storageQuotaUsedRatio double out-only Ratio of storageQuota and storageQuotaUsed
includedPhpExecutionTime int out-only Maximum PHP Execution Time which is included (free without costs) in the webspace
phpExecutionTime int opt Maximum PHP Execution Time the webspace has configured in reality.
includedPhpMemory int out-only PHP Memory Limit which is included (free without costs) in the webspace
phpMemory int opt PHP Memory Limit the webspace has configured in reality.
status string out-only Status of webspace
restrictions list out-only Restrictions, mostly set by our operators.
accesses list out-only A list of WebspaceAccess objects with all current authorizations for users.
serverIpv4 string out-only The IPv4 address to configure for domains using the webspace in DNS.
serverIpv6 string out-only The IPv6 address to configure for domains using the webspace in DNS.
hostName string out-only General Hostname for the webspace. Can be used for FTP Connections for example.
emailChecksActivated bool out-only If true, all emails sent from the webspace are counted.
emailRateLimitQuota int out-only The maximum number of emails the webspace can send in 30 minutes.
webserverId string out-only ID of the webserver on which the webspace was created.
poolId string opt ID of the pool in which the webspace was created. Only used when the webspace was created on a Managed Cloud Server.
paidUntil datetime out-only Time that the webspace is paid for
deletionScheduledFor datetime out-only Deletion date and time of webspace
restorableUntil datetime out-only Date and time until webspace is restorable
addDate datetime out-only Date and time of webspace creation
lastChangeDate datetime out-only Date and time of last webspace modification
cronJobs list opt A list of CronJob objects describing active cron jobs for the webspace.

The WebspaceAccess Object

The WebspaceAccess object is a helper object to describe a user’s access level to a webspace.

    "addDate": "2016-03-14T09:11:24Z",
    "ftpAccess": true,
    "lastChangeDate": "2016-03-14T09:11:24Z",
    "sshAccess": true,
    "statsAccess": true,
    "userId": "15010100000091",
    "userName": "webv4h25r_ayapzk",
    "webspaceId": "15010100000094"

WebspaceAccess Object

Property Type Required Description
webspaceId string out-only ID of webspace the user with userId is authorized to access
userId string req ID of authorized user
userName string out-only Generated name for accessing webspace (cf. Webspace Access Names for details)
ftpAccess bool opt If set to true, user is authorized to access webspace using ftp protocol
sshAccess bool opt If set to true, user is authorized to access webspace using ssh protocol (sftp, scp, interactive ssh login)
statsAccess bool opt If set to true, user is authorized to see access statistics of webspace
homeDir string opt If set, the used is rooted to this subdirectory. Only affects Users with FTP access.
addDate datetime out-only Date and time of webspace access creation
lastChangeDate datetime out-only Date and time of last webspace access modification

Webspace Access Names

Each Webspace Access has a unique name that e.g. is used when accessing the webspace using FTP or SSH. If webxxxxxx is the web space key and yyyyyy is the user key, the name of the Webspace Access will look like this: webxxxxxx_yyyyyy

Listing Web Spaces

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "limit": 10,
    "page": 1,
    "sort": {
        "field": "webspaceName",
        "order": "ASC"
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    "response": {
        "data": [
            // webspace objects
        "limit": 10,
        "page": 1,
        "totalEntries": 33,
        "totalPages": 4,
        "type": "FindWebspacesResult"
Request webspacesFind
Processing synchronous
Response FindWebspacesResult

The function webspacesFind lets you list web spaces. The usual filtering and sorting options apply. The response will contain a list of Webspace objects.

The following fields are available for filtering and sorting:

Field Description
AccountId ID of managing account
WebspaceId ID of webspace
WebspaceName Name of webspace
WebspaceWebspaceName webspace key: short alphanumeric string used as unique identifier system generated names.
WebspaceProductCode The product code of the webspace
WebspaceStatus Status of webspace
WebspaceDeletionScheduledFor Deletion date and time of webspace
WebspaceRestorableUntil Date and time until webspace is restorable
WebspacePaidUntil Time that the webspace is paid for
WebspaceLastChangeDate Date and time of last webspace modification
WebspaceAddDate Date and time of webspace creation
WebspaceAccessesUserId Matches webspaces for which user is authorized

Creating Webspaces

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "webspace": {
        "name": "Example",
        "productCode": "webhosting-webspace-v1-1m",
        "storageQuota": 10240
    "accesses": [
            "userId": "15010100000091",
            "ftpAccess": true,
            "sshAccess": true,
            "statsAccess": true
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    "response": {
        "id": "15010100000094",
        "accountId": "15010100000001",
        "webspaceName": "webv4h25r",
        "accesses": [
                "addDate": "2016-03-14T09:11:24Z",
                "ftpAccess": true,
                "lastChangeDate": "2016-03-14T09:11:24Z",
                "sshAccess": true,
                "statsAccess": true,
                "userId": "15010100000091",
                "userName": "webv4h25r_ayapzk",
                "webspaceId": "15010100000094"
        "addDate": "2016-03-14T09:11:24Z",
        "cronJobs": [
        "paidUntil": "2016-04-14T09:11:24Z",
        "deletionScheduledFor": null,
        "lastChangeDate": "2016-03-14T09:11:24Z",
        "name": "Example",
        "comments": "",
        "productCode": "webhosting-webspace-v1-1m",
        "restorableUntil": null,
        "serverIpv4": "",
        "status": "creating",
        "storageQuota": 10240,
        "storageQuotaUsedRatio": 0,
        "storageUsed": 0
Request webspaceCreate
Processing asynchronous
Response Webspace
Parameter Type Required Description
webspace Webspace object req Complete webspace object
accesses list<WebspaceAccess object> req List of user authorizations with access to webspace (list may be empty)
poolId string opt Needed if managed server product is purchased: Use managed server pool instead of shared servers.

You can use the function webspaceCreate create a new webspace. After the webspace is created users who are authorized can connect to the it using FTP and SSH.

Updating Webspaces

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "webspace": {
        "cronJobs": [],
        "id": "15010100000094",
        "name": "Example",
		"comments": "some comment about this webspace",
        "productCode": "webhosting-webspace-v1-1m",
        "serverIpv4": "",
        "storageQuota": 10240
    "accesses": [
            "addDate": "2016-03-14T09:11:24Z",
            "ftpAccess": false,
            "lastChangeDate": "2016-03-14T09:11:24Z",
            "sshAccess": true,
            "statsAccess": false,
            "userId": "15010100000091",
            "userName": "webv4h25r_ayapzk",
            "webspaceId": "15010100000094"
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
  <comments>some comment about this webspace</comments>
    "response": {
        "accesses": [
                "addDate": "2016-03-14T09:11:24Z",
                "ftpAccess": false,
                "lastChangeDate": "2016-03-14T09:28:35Z",
                "sshAccess": true,
                "statsAccess": false,
                "userId": "15010100000091",
                "userName": "webv4h25r_ayapzk",
                "webspaceId": "15010100000094"
        "accountId": "15010100000001",
        "addDate": "2016-03-14T09:11:24Z",
        "cronJobs": [
        "paidUntil": "2016-04-14T09:11:24Z",
        "deletionScheduledFor": null,
        "id": "15010100000094",
        "lastChangeDate": "2016-03-14T09:28:35Z",
        "name": "Example",
		"comments": "some comment about this webspace",
        "productCode": "webhosting-webspace-v1-1m",
        "restorableUntil": null,
        "serverIpv4": "",
        "status": "active",
        "storageQuota": 10240,
        "storageQuotaUsedRatio": 0,
        "storageUsed": 0,
        "webspaceName": "webv4h25r"
  <comments>some comment about this webspace</comments>
Request webspaceUpdate
Processing asynchronous
Response Webspace
Parameter Type Required Description
webspace Webspace object req Complete webspace object
accesses list<WebspaceAccess object> req List of user authorizations with access to webspace (list may be empty)

The webspace that you want to update is identified by it’s id. All fields not marked out-only are set to the values in the webspace argument. Optional fields that are not specified in this call are reset to their default values.

The list of authorized users for this webspace is replaced by the list in the parameter accesses.

Deleting Webspaces

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "webspaceId": "15010100000094"
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    "response": {
        "accesses": [
                "addDate": "2016-03-14T09:11:24Z",
                "ftpAccess": false,
                "lastChangeDate": "2016-03-14T09:28:35Z",
                "sshAccess": true,
                "statsAccess": false,
                "userId": "15010100000091",
                "userName": "webv4h25r_ayapzk",
                "webspaceId": "15010100000094"
        "accountId": "15010100000001",
        "addDate": "2016-03-14T09:11:24Z",
        "cronJobs": [],
        "paidUntil": "2016-04-14T09:11:24Z",
        "deletionScheduledFor": null,
        "id": "15010100000094",
        "lastChangeDate": "2016-03-14T09:28:36Z",
        "name": "Example",
        "productCode": "webhosting-webspace-v1-1m",
        "restorableUntil": null,
        "serverIpv4": "",
        "status": "active",
        "storageQuota": 10240,
        "storageQuotaUsedRatio": 0,
        "storageUsed": 0,
        "webspaceName": "webv4h25r"
Request webspaceDelete
Processing asynchronous
Response Webspace
Parameter Type Required Description
webspaceId string req ID of webspace to be deleted

Listing Users

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "filter": {
        "field": "userName",
        "value": "*Smith*"
    "limit": 10,
    "page": 1,
    "sort": {
        "field": "userName",
        "order": "ASC"
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    "response": {
        "data": [
            // user objects
        "limit": 10,
        "page": 1,
        "totalEntries": 1,
        "totalPages": 1,
        "type": "FindUsersResult"
Request usersFind
Processing synchronous
Response FindUsersResult

The function usersFind lets you list users. The usual filtering and sorting options apply. The response will contain a list of User objects.

The following fields are available for filtering and sorting:

Field Description
AccountId ID of managing account
UserId ID of user
UserName Name of user (for display purposes)
UserUserName Unique user name generated as access account name
UserComments Additional information about user. Value can be freely defined by platform account holder.
UserStatus The status of user
UserLastChangeDate Date and time of last user modification
UserAddDate Date and time of user creation

Creating Users

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "user": {
        "name": "John Smith"
    "password": "57BGnyzxFgIn"
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
  <name>John Smith</name>
    "response": {
        "accountId": "15010100000001",
        "addDate": "2016-03-14T08:50:53Z",
        "comments": "",
        "id": "15010100000091",
        "lastChangeDate": "2016-03-14T08:50:53Z",
        "name": "John Smith",
        "sshKey": "",
        "status": "active",
        "userName": "ayapzk"
  <name>John Smith</name>
Request userCreate
Processing synchronous
Response User
Parameter Type Required Description
user User object req Complete user object
password string req user password in plain text

The usersCreate request lets you create new users that can later be authorized to access web spaces.

The user password can only be set using this request or an update. It can not be read back from the system because it is stored as a secure one way hash in the system.

Updating Users

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "user": {
        "comments": "Had to change password on customer request.",
        "id": "15010100000091",
        "name": "John Smith",
        "sshKey": "",
        "status": "active",
        "userName": "ayapzk"
    "password": "OgL2OtCHnOTd"
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
  <comments>Had to change password on customer request.</comments>
  <name>John Smith</name>
    "response": {
        "accountId": "15010100000001",
        "addDate": "2016-03-14T08:50:53Z",
        "comments": "Had to change password on customer request.",
        "id": "15010100000091",
        "lastChangeDate": "2016-03-14T09:04:23Z",
        "name": "John Smith",
        "sshKey": "",
        "status": "active",
        "userName": "ayapzk"
  <comments>Had to change password on customer request.</comments>
  <name>John Smith</name>
Request userUpdate
Processing asynchronous
Response User
Parameter Type Required Description
user User object req Complete user object
password string opt You can change user password to new value (plain text)

By using the usersUpdate request the name, comments, and SSH key of a user are replaced with the values that you supplied in this request.

If an new password is specified, it will replace the currently stored password. If an empty password or no password is supplied, the current password will not be changed.

Deleting Users

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "userId": "15010100000091"
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    "status": "success",
Request userDelete
Processing synchronous
Response none
Parameter Type Required Description
userId string req ID of user to be delete

By using the userDelete request you can delete a user that is currently not authorized to access any web space.

When you delete a web space all contained files will also be deleted permanently.

The CronJob Object

The system supports running regular tasks in a webspace. These tasks are controlled by so called cron jobs that specify how often you should run a job and what action you should take.

You can either run a PHP or bash script - or you can request a URL in one of the webspace’s vhosts.

CronJob Object

Property Type Required Description
comments string opt Additional information about cron job. Value can be freely defined by platform account holder.
type string req Available options: url, php, or bash
script string cf. description Required if type is php or bash. Script to run. Should start with ‘data/’ or ‘html/’ and contain path to script running relative to webspace’s home directory.
parameters list opt If your script uses parameters, please add them to this list.
url string cf. description Required if type is url. This url to access. This must be an url using the http or https schema and will be accesses using the ‘GET’ http method.
interpreterVersion string opt For type php, you can choose between different PHP Versions. Valid values are e.g. 5.6 or 7.3.
schedule string req Available schedule options: 1min, 5min, 10min 15min, 30min, 1hour, 2hour, 3hour, 4hour, 6hour, 12hour, daily, weekly, or monthly`.
daypart string cf. description Required for daily or larger intervals. Specifies time window the cron job will be running. Available interval options: 1-5, 5-9, 9-13, 13-17, 17-21, or 21-1.
weekday string cf. description Required for weekly schedule. Available options: mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat, or sun.
dayOfMonth int cf. description Required for monthly schedule. Day of month the cron job should be run.

The VHost Object

    "accountId": "15010100000001",
    "addDate": "2016-03-14T09:22:19Z",
    "blocked": null,
    "domainName": "",
    "domainNameUnicode": "",
    "enableAlias": false,
    "enableSystemAlias": true,
    "id": "15010100000095",
    "lastChangeDate": "2016-03-14T09:22:19Z",
    "locations": [
            "directoryListingEnabled": false,
            "locationType": "generic",
            "mapScript": "",
            "mapStyle": "",
            "matchString": "",
            "matchType": "default",
            "phpEnabled": true,
            "redirectionStatus": "",
            "redirectionUrl": "",
            "setByProfile": false,
            "superUserConfiguration": ""
    "phpVersion": "5.6",
    "profile": "",
    "redirectToPrimaryName": false,
    "serverType": "nginx",
    "sslSettings": null,
    "status": "creating",
    "systemAlias": "",
    "webRoot": "",
    "webspaceId": "15010100000094"

VHost Object

Property Type Required Description
id string cf. description vhost ID. Ignored in vhost create requests. Required in all other requests.
accountId string out-only ID of account managing vhost
webspaceId string out-only ID of webspace the vhost is part of
domainName string req Name of domain. Can be either in Unicode or ASCII format. Name will always be returned in ASCII/ACE format.
domainNameUnicode string out-only Name of domain in Unicode/international format
additionalDomainNames list <string> opt Additional domain names for this vHost, like domainNAme can either be Unicode or ASCII format.
additionalDomainNamesUnicode list <string> out-only Additional domain names for this vHost
enableAlias bool opt If set to true, alternate name is enabled to access vhost (cf. below for more information)
redirectToPrimaryName bool opt If set to true, access of alternate name will be redirected to primary name
enableSystemAlias bool opt If set to true, webspace will temporarily be accessible via auto generated domain name. This is intended for websites prior to live usage.
systemAlias string out-only If enableSystemAlias is set to true, the vhost is also available via this domain name.
status string opt Status of webspace
webRoot string opt Specifies sub directory in “html/” where website files are accessed. If empty, it defaults to the ASCII format of domainName.
profile string opt Profile using vhost (if set)
serverType string req Server type of vhost. Available options: apache, nginx.
serverTypeChangeBlocked bool opt If true, one can not change the serverType.
httpUsers list <string> opt Users for HTTP Authentication
locations list <Location object> opt List of Location objects
sslSettings SSL Settings object opt If set, SSL is enabled
phpVersion string opt php version used to execute php scripts. Available options: 5.6 up to 7.3. Default: 7.3.
blocked bool opt true if the vHost was blocked in case of hacked website or abuse by our operators.
restorableUntil datetime out-only If the vHost was deleted, it can be restored until that date.
addDate datetime out-only Date and time of vhost creation
lastChangeDate datetime out-only Date and time of last vhost modification

VHost Alternate Names

You can enable alternate names for vhosts: For example, your vhost is able to cover both and If the primary name (the name that is passed in the domainName attribute) starts with ‘www.’, the alternate name of the vhost will be the primary name without ‘www.’. If the primary name doesn’t start with ‘www.’, the alternate name will be the primary name with prepended ‘www.’. A vhost covers the alternate name if its enableAlias is set to true.

Listing VHosts

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "filter": {
        "field": "VHostDomainNameAce",
        "value": "example.*"
    "limit": 10,
    "page": 1,
    "sort": {
        "field": "VHostDomainNameAce",
        "order": "ASC"
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    "response": {
        "data": [
            // VHost objects
        "limit": 10,
        "page": 1,
        "totalEntries": 1,
        "totalPages": 1,
        "type": "FindWebspacesResult"
Request vhostsFind
Processing synchronous
Response FindVHostsResult

You can list vhosts with the method vhostsFind. The response will contain a list of VHost objects. The usual filtering and sorting options apply.

The following fields are available for filtering and sorting:

Field Description
AccountId ID of managing account
WebspaceId ID of webspace the vhost is part of
VHostId ID of vhost
VHostDomainName Domain name. Pleasae use ASCII/ACE format
VHostDomainNameUnicode Domain name in Unicode/international format
VHostEnableAlias If set to true, alternate name will be enabled for accessing vhost.
VHostEnableSystemAlias If set to true, access for vhost using system alias is enabled
VHostRedirectToPrimaryName If set to true, any access of alternate name is redirected to primary name
VHostStatus Status of vhost
VHostLastChangeDate Date and time of last vhost modification
VHostAddDate Date and time of vhost creation

Creating VHosts

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "vhost": {
        "webspaceId": "15010100000094",
        "serverType": "nginx",
        "domainName": "",
        "enableAlias": false,
        "enableSystemAlias": true,
        "redirectToPrimaryName": false,
        "locations": [
                "locationType": "generic",
                "matchType": "default",
                "matchString": "",
                "phpEnabled": true,
                "directoryListingEnabled": false
        "phpVersion": "5.6",
        "profile": "",
        "sslSettings": null,
        "webRoot": ""
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    "response": {
        "accountId": "15010100000001",
        "addDate": "2016-03-14T09:22:19Z",
        "blocked": null,
        "domainName": "",
        "domainNameUnicode": "",
        "enableAlias": false,
        "enableSystemAlias": true,
        "id": "15010100000095",
        "lastChangeDate": "2016-03-14T09:22:19Z",
        "locations": [
                "directoryListingEnabled": false,
                "locationType": "generic",
                "mapScript": "",
                "mapStyle": "",
                "matchString": "",
                "matchType": "default",
                "phpEnabled": true,
                "redirectionStatus": "",
                "redirectionUrl": "",
                "setByProfile": false,
                "superUserConfiguration": ""
        "phpVersion": "5.6",
        "profile": "",
        "redirectToPrimaryName": false,
        "serverType": "nginx",
        "sslSettings": null,
        "status": "creating",
        "systemAlias": "",
        "webRoot": "",
        "webspaceId": "15010100000094"
Request vhostCreate
Processing asynchronous
Response VHost
Parameter Type Required Description
vhost VHost object req Complete vhost object
phpIni PHP.ini object opt PHP Configuration for this vhost
sslPrivateKey string opt Private SSL key in PEM format. Required when SSL is enabled.
setHttpUserPasswords list <HttpUser> opt List of HttpUsers with access to Locations of the vhost. See HTTP User objects

The request vhostCreate lets you create a new vhost in a webspace. If you want to use manual SSL with this vhost, you have to pass the private key that corresponds to the certificate in the SSLSettings using the sslPrivateKey parameter.

Updating VHosts

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "vhost": {
        "domainName": "",
        "enableAlias": false,
        "enableSystemAlias": true,
        "id": "15010100000095",
        "locations": [
                "directoryListingEnabled": false,
                "locationType": "generic",
                "matchString": "",
                "matchType": "default",
                "phpEnabled": true,
                "setByProfile": false
        "phpVersion": "5.6",
        "profile": "",
        "redirectToPrimaryName": false,
        "serverType": "nginx",
        "sslSettings": null,
        "webRoot": ""
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    "response": {
        "accountId": "15010100000001",
        "addDate": "2016-03-14T09:22:19Z",
        "blocked": null,
        "domainName": "",
        "domainNameUnicode": "",
        "enableAlias": false,
        "enableSystemAlias": true,
        "id": "15010100000095",
        "lastChangeDate": "2016-03-14T09:34:29Z",
        "locations": [
                "directoryListingEnabled": false,
                "locationType": "generic",
                "mapScript": "",
                "mapStyle": "",
                "matchString": "",
                "matchType": "default",
                "phpEnabled": true,
                "redirectionStatus": "",
                "redirectionUrl": "",
                "setByProfile": false,
                "superUserConfiguration": ""
        "phpVersion": "5.6",
        "profile": "",
        "redirectToPrimaryName": false,
        "serverType": "nginx",
        "sslSettings": null,
        "status": "active",
        "systemAlias": "",
        "webRoot": "",
        "webspaceId": "15010100000094"
Request vhostUpdate
Processing asynchronous
Response VHost
Parameter Type Required Description
vhost VHost object req Complete vhost object
phpIni PHP.ini object opt PHP Configuration for this vhost
sslPrivateKey string opt Update of private SSL key. Required when new SSL certificate is used and private key associated with vhost does not match certificate.
setHttpUserPasswords list <HttpUser> opt List of HttpUsers with access to Locations of the vhost. See HTTP User objects
expectedCosts int opt If your update would produce costs, e.g. if your PHP memory limit will be upgraded, you have to send the expected costs as an acknowledgement.

The vhost to be updated is identified by its ID. All fields not marked with ‘out-only’ are set to the values of the vhost argument. Optional fields that are not specified in this call will be reset to their default values.

If the manual SSL mode is used and the certificate in the vhost is replaced with a certificate that is created from a different private key than the previous certificate, the corresponding private key to the new certificate must be passed by using the sslPrivateKey parameter.

Deleting VHosts

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "vhostId": "15010100000095"
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    "status": "success",
Request vhostDelete
Processing asynchronous
Response none
Parameter Type Required Description
vhostId string req ID of vhost to be deleted

The function vhostDelete lets you delete vhosts. The vhost that you want to delete is identified by its ID.

If you delete a vhost, it will be deactivated and set to a state that is restorable for a limit time. After that the vhost will be deleted from the database. The actual files in the webspace belonging to the vhost will not be deleted automatically when a vhost is removed. The user has to delete these files manually.

Restoring VHosts

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "vhostId": "15010100000095"
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    "status": "success",
Request vhostRestore
Processing asynchronous
Response none
Parameter Type Required Description
vhostId string req ID of vhost to be restored

You can restore a vhost that was deleted and is still in restorable state with the function vhostRestore. The vhost to be restored is identified by its ID. If the restore is successful and the webspace files for the vhost have not been manually deleted, the vhost will be restored to the state before it was deleted.

The SSL Settings Object

SSL Settings Object

Property Type Required Description
profile string opt Profile of the SSL Implementation, we support modern and intermediate
certificates string opt Contains all Certificates needed by the webserver (Server, Intermediate)
managedSslProductCode string opt ProductCode of the SSL Certificate
managedSslStatus string opt Status of the SSL Certificate
hstsMaxAge int opt Maximum Validity of HSTS
hstsIncludeSubdomains bool opt Include Subdomains in HSTS Settings
hstsAllowPreload bool opt Allow preloading in HSTS

Using your own certificate

If you want to use your own certificate, Use the SSL Settings object and add all needed certificates to the parameter certificates. The object can then be added to the vhost. You have to specify the sslPrivateKey parameter when calling vhostCreate or vhostUpdate.

Our system checks the values and if e.g. Key and Certificate to not match, you will receive an error.

Activating automatic SSL for a VHost

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "vhost": {
        "sslSettings": {
            "profile": "modern",
            "managedSslProductCode": "ssl-letsencrypt-dv-3m"
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    "response": {
        "sslSettings": {
            "certificates": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----...-----END CERTIFICATE-----",
            "hstsAllowPreload": null,
            "hstsIncludeSubdomains": null,
            "hstsMaxAge": null,
            "managedSslProductCode": "ssl-letsencrypt-dv-3m",
            "managedSslStatus": "active",
            "profile": "modern"
    <certificates>-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----...-----END CERTIFICATE-----"</certificates>
Request vhostActivateSsl
Processing asynchronous
Response VHost

Our system can automatically add Let’s Encrypt or RapidSSL certificates. In this case, you only have to specify the managedSslProductCode parameter in the the SSL Settings object. Everything in background will be done by our system. This option is only available if either your DNS zone is hosted with us or the domain name of the vhost points to our webserver. You could check if we are capable to create automatic certificates with the checkAutoValidationCapable of the SSL API.

All certificates created automatically by us will also be renewed automatically.

This features is available for the following productCodes:

The PHP Configuration Meta Data Object

The PHP Configuration Meta Data object contains available Values for a specific PHP Settings. Only these PHP Settings can be specified in a PHP.ini object to override the default settings for a vhost.

PHP Configuration Meta Data Object

Property Type Required Description
phpVersions list req Lists the PHP Versions for which this Meta Data Object can be used
key string req Key of the Meta Data Object
type string req Type of the Meta Data Object
min int opt minimum available Value
max int opt maximum available Value
availableValues list opt Available Values
defaultValue string opt default Value
accessLevels list opt Shows who has access to set this Meta Data Object
resetOnPhpVersionChange bool opt If true and you change the PHP Version for a vHost, this setting will be resetted to its default
upgrades list opt List of available chargeable Upgrades including productCodes

The PHP.ini Object

To specify PHP Settings you can use a PHP.ini object. Our system allows to define some PHP Values, but not all.

PHP.ini Object

Property Type Required Description
vhostId string opt ID of the vHost
values list req List of different PHP.ini Values

The PHP.ini Value Object

PHP.ini Value Object

Property Type Required Description
key string req Key Name of the PHP.ini Value, e.g. display_output
value string req Value of the PHP.ini Value, e.g. 0
immutable bool out-only If true, the Value of this Key cannot be changed
deletable bool out-only If true, the Key cannot be deleted
metadata PhpConfigurationMetadata out-only Displays information about this PHP.ini Value, e.g. for which PHP Versions it is available.

Getting a list of PHP Settings

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "all": true
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    "responses": [
        // PhpConfigurationMetaData Objects
        // PhpConfigurationMetaData Object
Request phpConfigurationMetadata
Processing synchronous
Response list <PhpConfigurationMetadata>
Parameter Type Required Description
all bool opt If true, all available PHP Settings are returned.

Getting a default PHP.ini Object

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "webspaceId": 15010100000094
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    "response": [
        // PhpIni Object
  // PhpIni Object
Request vhostPhpIniDefault
Processing synchronous
Response PhpIni
    "vhostId": null,
    "values": [
            "deletable": false,
            "immutable": false,
            "key": "error_reporting",
            "metadata": {
                "accessLevels": [
                "defaultValue": "0",
                "key": "error_reporting",
                "max": null,
                "min": null,
                "phpVersions": [
                "resetOnPhpVersionChange": false,
                "type": "string"
            "value": "0"
      <min xsi:nil="true"/>
      <max xsi:nil="true"/>

This method returns a default PHP.ini Object for the specified webspace.

Parameter Type Required Description
webspaceId string req ID of the webspace
phpVersion string opt If not specified, the method will return the default PHP.ini Object for the default PHP Version.

Getting the PHP.ini Object for a specific vhost

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "vhostId": 15010100000094
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    "response": [
        // PhpIni Object
  // PhpIni Object
Request vhostPhpIniList
Processing synchronous
Response PhpIni
    "vhostId": null,
    "values": [
            "deletable": false,
            "immutable": false,
            "key": "error_reporting",
            "metadata": {
                "accessLevels": [
                "defaultValue": "0",
                "key": "error_reporting",
                "max": null,
                "min": null,
                "phpVersions": [
                "resetOnPhpVersionChange": false,
                "type": "string"
            "value": "0"
      <min xsi:nil="true"/>
      <max xsi:nil="true"/>

This method returns the PHP.ini Object for the specified vhost.

Parameter Type Required Description
vhostId string req ID of the vhost

The PHP Version object

PHP Version objects are only returned with the phpversion method. They are never used in requests.

PHP Version Object

Property Type Required Description
accessLevels list req Accesslevels which are allowed to use this version
isDefault bool req If true this version is the default. The default may change from time to time.
version string req PHP Version string, used for specifying the vhosts phpVersion

Getting available PHP Versions

This method is used to get a list of all available PHP Versions. It returns a list of PHP Version objects. To specify the PHP Version for a vhost, you have to set the phpVersion parameter of a vhost to a string. The string must match the parameter version of the PhpVersion object.

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$"
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    "responses": [
        // PhpVersion Objects
        // PhpVersion Object
Request phpversions
Processing synchronous
Response list <PhpVersion>
    "accessLevels": [
    "isDefault": false,
    "version": "5.6"

This method has no parameters.

Updating PHP Settings

You have to use vhostUpdate if you want to change PHP Settings of a vhost.

The HTTP User Object

If you want a location being restricted, you can create HTTP Users. HTTP Users can be created or modified by creating or updating the specified vhost.

HTTP User Object

Property Type Required Description
name string req Username of the HTTP User
password string req Password of the HTTP Header in cleartext

The Location Object

With a location object one can customize the nginx configuration. Locations can be created or modified by creating or updating the specified vhost.

Location Object

Property Type Required Description
setByProfile bool opt If true, this Location was added by a profile
locationType string req Type of the Location. We support location, redirect and denyLocation.
matchType string req Available options are directory, exact or regex
matchString string opt String to match
redirectionStatus string opt Status of the redirection
redirectionUrl string opt URL of the redirection target.
phpEnabled bool opt If true, this Location parses PHP Files
directoryListingEnabled bool opt If true, this Location does a Directory Listing
blockDotfiles bool opt If true, Files beginning with a dot (.htaccess) are blocked for HTTP Requests, defaults to true
mapScript string opt If filled, all requests will go to this script.
mapStyle string opt Style of the map script
httpHeader list opt List of additional HTTP Headers send to the client
restrictToHttpUsers list opt Usernames of the HTTP Users this location is restricted to

The HTTP Header Object

Our system allows to activate some additional HTTP Headers. These can be specified within a location object.

HTTP Header Object

Property Type Required Description
name string req Name of the HTTP Header
content string req Content of the HTTP Header


The database section of the API allows you to create and manage databases. At the moment we support MariaDB/MySQL databases.

Available Database Products

Product Validity Periods (months) ProductCode
MariaDB Single Database 1 database-mariadb-single-v1-1m
MariaDB Single Database 12 database-mariadb-single-v1-12m

The Database User Object

A MySQL User is represented by a user object.

    "accountId": "15010100000001",
    "addDate": "2016-03-14T08:50:53Z",
    "comments": "",
    "id": "15010100000091",
    "lastChangeDate": "2016-03-14T08:50:53Z",
    "name": "John Smith",
    "dbUserName": "ayapzk",
    "status": "active"
 <name>John Smith</name>

User Object

Property Type Required Description
id string req User ID
accountId string opt ID of user managing account
name string req free Name which can be specified to identify the user
dbUserName string out-only Generated Username of the user
status string opt Status of the uuserser
comments string opt free comments which can be specified to identify the user
addDate datetime out-only Date and time of user creation
lastChangeDate datetime out-only Date and time of last user modification

The DatabaseAccess Object

The databaseAccess object is the representation of a user which is linked to a database.

    "addDate": "2016-03-14T09:11:24Z",
    "lastChangeDate": "2016-03-14T09:11:24Z",
    "accessLevel": [ "read", "write", "schema" ],
    "userId": "15010100000091",
    "dbLogin": "webv4h25r_ayapzk",
    "databaseId": "15010100000094"

DatabaseAccess Object

Property Type Required Description
databaseId string opt Database ID
userId string req User ID
dbLogin string opt Username for MySQL
accessLevel list req Rights for this user, possible values: read, write, schema
addDate datetime out-only Date and time of databaseAccess creation
lastChangeDate datetime out-only Date and time of last databaseAccess modification

The Database Object

A database object represents the MySQL database.

    "accesses": [
            "addDate": "2016-03-14T09:11:24Z",
            "lastChangeDate": "2016-03-14T09:11:24Z",
            "accessLevel": [ "read", "write", "schema" ],
            "userId": "15010100000091",
            "userName": "dbv4h25r_ayapzk",
            "databaseId": "15010100000094"
    "bundleId": null,
    "poolId": null,
    "accountId": "15010100000001",
    "addDate": "2016-03-14T09:11:24Z",
    "paidUntil": "2016-04-14T09:11:24Z",
    "renewOn": "2016-04-14T09:11:24Z",
    "deletionScheduledFor": null,
    "id": "15010100000094",
    "lastChangeDate": "2016-03-14T09:11:24Z",
    "name": "Example",
    "productCode": "database-mariadb-single-v1-12m",
    "restorableUntil": null,
    "status": "creating",
    "storageQuota": 512,
    "storageQuotaIncluded": 512,
    "storageQuotaUsedRatio": 0,
    "storageUsed": 0,
    "dbName": "dbv4h25r",
    "hostName": "",
    "dbEngine": "MariaDB",
    "dbType": "single",
    "forceSsl": false,
    "restrictions": [],
    "limitations": []

Database Object

Property Type Required Description
id string cf. description ID of database. Ignored in database create requests. Required in all other requests.
accountId string opt ID of the account to which the database belongs to
bundleId string opt ID of the bundle in which the database is created
name string req free Name which can be specified to identify the database
dbName string out-only Generated Name of the database to use for Connections
hostName string out-only General Hostname for the database. Can be used for MySQL Connections for example.
dbEngine string out-only Engine of the database, at the moment we just support MariaDB.
dbType string out-only Type of the database, at the moment we just support single.
productCode string opt The productCode of the database
forceSsl bool opt At the moment, we just support false
storageQuota int opt Real Storage Quota for the database
storageQuotaIncluded int out-only Storage Quota which is included in the database for no costs.
storageUsed int out-only Storage Quota used for all data in the database
storageQuotaUsedRatio double out-only Ratio of storageUsed and storageQuota
limitations out-only Limitations, at the moment we just support one default
status string opt Status of the database
comments string opt free comments which can be specified to identify the database
restrictions list out-only Restrictions, mostly set by our operators.
accesses list out-only A list of DatabaseAccess objects with all current authorizations for users.
poolId string out-only PoolId in which the database was created
paidUntil datetime out-only Time that the database is paid for
renewOn datetime out-only Date on which the database will be invoice again
deletionScheduledFor datetime out-only Deletion date and time of database
restorableUntil datetime out-only Date and time until database is restorable
addDate datetime out-only Date and time of database creation
lastChangeDate datetime out-only Date and time of last database modification

Listing Users

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "filter": {
        "field": "UserName",
        "value": "*Smith*"
    "limit": 10,
    "page": 1,
    "sort": {
        "field": "UserName",
        "order": "ASC"
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    "response": {
        "data": [
            // user objects
        "limit": 10,
        "page": 1,
        "totalEntries": 1,
        "totalPages": 1,
        "type": "FindUsersResult"
Request usersFind
Processing synchronous
Response FindUsersResult

The function usersFind lets you list existing Users. The usual sorting and filtering options apply.

The following fields are available for filtering and sorting:

Field Description
AccountId ID of account the user belongs to
UserId ID of user
UserName Name of the user
UserStatus Status of the user
UserLastChangeDate Date and time of the last change
UserAddDate Date and time the user was created
UserAccessesDatabaseId Databases as ID to which the user has access

Creating Users

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "user": {
        "name": "John Smith"
    "password": "57BGnyzxFgIn"
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
  <name>John Smith</name>
    "response": {
        "accountId": "15010100000001",
        "addDate": "2016-03-14T08:50:53Z",
        "comments": "",
        "id": "15010100000091",
        "lastChangeDate": "2016-03-14T08:50:53Z",
        "name": "John Smith",
        "dbUserName": "ayapzk",
        "status": "active"
  <name>John Smith</name>
Request userCreate
Processing synchronous
Response User
Parameter Type Required Description
user User object req Complete user object
password string req user password in plain text

The usersCreate request lets you create new users that can later be authorized to access databases.

The user password can only be set using this request or an update. It can not be read back from the system because it is stored as a secure one way hash in the system.

Updating Users

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "user": {
        "comments": "Had to change password on customer request.",
        "id": "15010100000091",
        "name": "John Smith",
        "dbUserName": "ayapzk",
        "status": "active"
    "password": "OgL2OtCHnOTd"
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
  <comments>Had to change password on customer request.</comments>
  <name>John Smith</name>
    "response": {
        "accountId": "15010100000001",
        "addDate": "2016-03-14T08:50:53Z",
        "comments": "Had to change password on customer request.",
        "id": "15010100000091",
        "lastChangeDate": "2016-03-14T09:04:23Z",
        "name": "John Smith",
        "dbUserName": "ayapzk",
        "status": "active"
  <comments>Had to change password on customer request.</comments>
  <name>John Smith</name>
Request userUpdate
Processing asynchronous
Response User
Parameter Type Required Description
user User object req Complete user object
password string opt You can change user password to new value (plain text)

By using the usersUpdate request the name and comments of a user are replaced with the values that you supplied in this request.

If an new password is specified, it will replace the currently stored password. If an empty password or no password is supplied, the current password will not be changed.

Deleting Users

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "userId": "15010100000091"
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    "status": "success",
Request userDelete
Processing synchronous
Response none
Parameter Type Required Description
userId string req ID of user to be delete

By using the userDelete request you can delete a user that is currently not authorized to access any database.

Listing Databases

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "limit": 10,
    "page": 1,
    "sort": {
        "field": "DatabaseName",
        "order": "ASC"
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    "response": {
        "data": [
            // database objects
        "limit": 10,
        "page": 1,
        "totalEntries": 33,
        "totalPages": 4,
        "type": "FindDatabasesResult"
Request databasesFind
Processing synchronous
Response FindDatabasesResult

The function databasesFind lets you list existing Databases. The usual sorting and filtering options apply.

The following fields are available for filtering and sorting:

Field Description
AccountId ID of account the user belongs to
DatabaseId ID of the database
DatabaseServerId ID of the database server
BundleId ID of the bundle
DatabaseName Name of the database in UI
DatabaseDbName real Name of the database in the system
DatabaseDbEngine Engine of the database
DatabaseDbType Type of the database
DatabaseProductCode ProductCode, see table below
DatabaseStorageQuota Storage Quota of the database in MB
DatabaseStorageUsed Used Storage Quota in MB
DatabaseStorageQuotaUsedRatio Ratio of used vs. free Storage Quota
DatabaseStatus Status of the database
DatabasePaidUntil Date, until the database is paid
DatabaseRenewOn Date, on which the database will be invoiced again
DatabaseLastChangeDate Date and time of the last change
DatabaseAddDate Date and time the database was created
DatabaseAccessesUserId ID of a user, to find all databases a user has access to

Creating Databases

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "database": {
        "name": "Example",
        "productCode": "database-mariadb-single-v1-12m",
        "storageQuota": 512
    "accesses": [
            "userId": "15010100000091",
            "accessLevel": [ "read", "write", "schema" ]
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    "response": {
        "accesses": [
                "addDate": "2016-03-14T09:11:24Z",
                "lastChangeDate": "2016-03-14T09:11:24Z",
                "accessLevel": [ "read", "write", "schema" ],
                "userId": "15010100000091",
                "userName": "dbv4h25r_ayapzk",
                "databaseId": "15010100000094"
        "bundleId": null,
        "poolId": null,
        "accountId": "15010100000001",
        "addDate": "2016-03-14T09:11:24Z",
        "paidUntil": "2016-04-14T09:11:24Z",
        "renewOn": "2016-04-14T09:11:24Z",
        "deletionScheduledFor": null,
        "id": "15010100000094",
        "lastChangeDate": "2016-03-14T09:11:24Z",
        "name": "Example",
        "productCode": "database-mariadb-single-v1-12m",
        "restorableUntil": null,
        "status": "creating",
        "storageQuota": 512,
        "storageQuotaIncluded": 512,
        "storageQuotaUsedRatio": 0,
        "storageUsed": 0,
        "dbName": "dbv4h25r",
        "hostName": "",
        "dbEngine": "MariaDB",
        "dbType": "single",
        "forceSsl": false,
        "restrictions": [],
        "limitations": []
Request databaseCreate
Processing asynchronous
Response Database
Parameter Type Required Description
database Database object req Complete database object
accesses list <databaseAccess object> req List of user authorizations with access to database (list may be empty)
poolId string opt Needed if managed server product is purchased: Use managed server pool instead of shared servers.

You can use the function databaseCreate create a new database. After the database is created users who are authorized can connect to it using a MySQL client.

Updating Databases

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "database": {
        "id": "15010100000094",
        "name": "Example",
        "productCode": "database-mariadb-single-v1-12m",
        "storageQuota": 1024
    "accesses": [
            "addDate": "2016-03-14T09:11:24Z",
            "lastChangeDate": "2016-03-14T09:11:24Z",
            "accessLevel": [ "read", "write", "schema" ],
            "userId": "15010100000091",
            "userName": "dbv4h25r_ayapzk",
            "databaseId": "15010100000094"
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    "response": {
        "accesses": [
                "addDate": "2016-03-14T09:11:24Z",
                "lastChangeDate": "2016-03-14T09:11:24Z",
                "accessLevel": [ "read", "write", "schema" ],
                "userId": "15010100000091",
                "userName": "dbv4h25r_ayapzk",
                "databaseId": "15010100000094"
        "bundleId": null,
        "poolId": null,
        "accountId": "15010100000001",
        "addDate": "2016-03-14T09:11:24Z",
        "paidUntil": "2016-04-14T09:11:24Z",
        "renewOn": "2016-04-14T09:11:24Z",
        "deletionScheduledFor": null,
        "id": "15010100000094",
        "lastChangeDate": "2016-03-14T09:11:24Z",
        "name": "Example",
        "productCode": "database-mariadb-single-v1-12m",
        "restorableUntil": null,
        "status": "active",
        "storageQuota": 1024,
        "storageQuotaIncluded": 512,
        "storageQuotaUsedRatio": 0,
        "storageUsed": 0,
        "dbName": "dbv4h25r",
        "hostName": "",
        "dbEngine": "MariaDB",
        "dbType": "single",
        "forceSsl": false,
        "restrictions": [],
        "limitations": []
Request databaseUpdate
Processing asynchronous
Response Database
Parameter Type Required Description
database Database object req Complete database object
accesses list <databaseAccess object> req List of user authorizations with access to database (list may be empty)

The database that you want to update is identified by it’s id. All fields not marked out-only are set to the values in the database argument. Optional fields that are not specified in this call are reset to their default values.

The list of authorized users for this database is replaced by the list in the parameter accesses.

Deleting Databases

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "databaseId": "15010100000094"
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
    "response": {
        "accesses": [
                "addDate": "2016-03-14T09:11:24Z",
                "lastChangeDate": "2016-03-14T09:11:24Z",
                "accessLevel": [ "read", "write", "schema" ],
                "userId": "15010100000091",
                "userName": "dbv4h25r_ayapzk",
                "databaseId": "15010100000094"
        "bundleId": null,
        "poolId": null,
        "accountId": "15010100000001",
        "addDate": "2016-03-14T09:11:24Z",
        "paidUntil": "2016-04-14T09:11:24Z",
        "renewOn": "2016-04-14T09:11:24Z",
        "deletionScheduledFor": null,
        "id": "15010100000094",
        "lastChangeDate": "2016-03-14T09:11:24Z",
        "name": "Example",
        "productCode": "database-mariadb-single-v1-12m",
        "restorableUntil": null,
        "status": "creating",
        "storageQuota": 512,
        "storageQuotaIncluded": 512,
        "storageQuotaUsedRatio": 0,
        "storageUsed": 0,
        "dbName": "dbv4h25r",
        "hostName": "",
        "dbEngine": "MariaDB",
        "dbType": "single",
        "forceSsl": false,
        "restrictions": [],
        "limitations": []
Request databaseDelete
Processing asynchronous
Response Database
Parameter Type Required Description
databaseId string req ID of database to be deleted


The email section of the API allows you to create and manage mailboxes.

Currently six types of mailboxes are available in the system: ImapMailbox, Forwarder, SmtpForwarder, MailingList and Catchall. First section of the documentation describes the objects that represent each of these types of mailboxes in detail. How to create and manage existing mailboxes is explained in the following sections.


The ImapMailbox Object

    "id": "150101aaaaaaaaaa001",
    "accountId": "15010100000001",
    "bundleId": "",
    "emailAddress": "",
    "emailAddressUnicode": "",
    "domainName": "",
    "domainNameUnicode": "",
    "status": "active",
    "spamFilter": {
      "bannedFilesChecks": false,
      "deleteSpam": false,
      "headerChecks": false,
      "malwareChecks": false,
      "modifySubjectOnSpam": true,
      "spamChecks": false,
      "spamLevel": "low",
      "useGreylisting": true
    "type": "ImapMailbox",
	"productCode": "email-imap-mailbox-12m",
    "forwarderTargets": [],
    "smtpForwarderTarget": "",
    "isAdmin": false,
    "storageQuota": 1024,
    "storageQuotaUsed": 0,
    "paidUntil": "2016-02-01T15:57:35Z",
    "renewOn": "2016-01-31T15:57:35Z",
    "deletionScheduledFor": null,
    "restorableUntil": null,
    "addDate": "2016-01-01T15:57:35Z",
    "lastChangeDate": "2016-01-01T15:57:35Z"
 <deletionScheduledFor xsi:nil="true"/>
 <restorableUntil xsi:nil="true"/>
Property Type Required / Direction Description
type string fixed Type of the mailbox. For imap mailbox it must always be “ImapMailbox”.
productCode string fixed Contains the productCode of the mailbox and must be set at creation.
accountId string out-only ID of managing account
bundleId string optional ID of the bundle which handles contractual obligations.
id string see description ID of this mailbox. Ignored in mailboxCreate requests. This property is required in all other requests regarding mailbox management.
emailAddress string required Email address of the mailbox in ASCII/ACE format.
emailAddressUnicode string out-only Email address of the mailbox in Unicode/international format.
domainName string out-only Domain name of the mailbox in ASCII/ACE format.
domainNameUnicode string out-only Domain name of the mailbox in Unicode/international format.
status string out-only Status of the mailbox.
spamFilter SpamFilter optional Spam settings of the mailbox.
autoResponder AutoResponder optional AutoResponder settings of this mailbox.
forwarderTargets list required List of email addresses mails are forwarded to in addition to delivery to this imap mailbox.
isAdmin bool optional Indicates whether the mailbox has admin rights. Mailboxes with admin rights can create and manage other mailboxes in the same domain.
storageQuota int required Mailbox storage capacity in MB.
storageQuotaUsed int out-only Currently used storage of the mailbox in MB.
deletionScheduledFor datetime out-only Date and time the mailbox is scheduled for deletion. Is empty if mailbox is not scheduled for removal.
restorableUntil datetime out-only Date and Time before which the mailbox can be restored.
paidUntil datetime out-only Date that the mailbox is paid for.
renewOn datetime out-only Time of the next automatic debit of accounting period. This point of time is always before the paidUntil time. renewOn time calculation: subtract the notice period from paidUntil time.
addDate datetime out-only Date and time the mailbox was created in the system.
lastChangeDate datetime out-only Date and time of last mailbox modification

Creating ImapMailboxes

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "mailbox": {
        "type": "ImapMailbox",
		"productCode": "email-imap-mailbox-12m",
        "emailAddress": "",
        "storageQuota": 1024,
        "isAdmin": false
    "password": "!Secret23"
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
  "response": {
    "id": "150101aaaaaaaaaa001",
    "accountId": "15010100000001",
    "bundleId": "",
    "emailAddress": "",
    "emailAddressUnicode": "",
    "domainName": "",
    "domainNameUnicode": "",
    "spamFilter": {
      "bannedFilesChecks": false,
      "deleteSpam": false,
      "headerChecks": false,
      "malwareChecks": false,
      "modifySubjectOnSpam": true,
      "spamChecks": false,
      "spamLevel": "low",
      "useGreylisting": true
    "status": "creating",
    "type": "ImapMailbox",
	"productCode": "email-imap-mailbox-12m",
    "forwarderTargets": [],
    "smtpForwarderTarget": "",
    "isAdmin": false,
    "storageQuota": 1024,
    "storageQuotaUsed": 0,
    "paidUntil": "2016-02-01T15:57:35Z",
    "renewOn": "2016-01-31T15:57:35Z",
    "deletionScheduledFor": null,
    "restorableUntil": null,
    "addDate": "2016-01-01T15:57:35Z",
    "lastChangeDate": "2016-01-01T15:57:35Z"
   <deletionScheduledFor xsi:nil="true"/>
   <restorableUntil xsi:nil="true"/>
Request mailboxCreate
Processing asynchronous
Response ImapMailbox object
Parameter Type Required Description
mailbox ImapMailbox object req Data for to be created imap mailbox
password string req Password for this mailbox

In order to create an imap mailbox, you need to send a mailboxCreate request. This request takes as first parameter mailbox which contains all required information of the mailbox and as second parameter a password. Please note that in order to create an imap mailbox the type parameter of the mailbox must be ImapMailbox and all required properties of the ImapMailbox object must be set. object


The Forwarder Object

    "id": "150101aaaaaaaaaa001",
    "accountId": "15010100000001",
    "bundleId": "",
    "emailAddress": "",
    "emailAddressUnicode": "",
    "domainName": "",
    "domainNameUnicode": "",
    "status": "active",
    "spamFilter": {
      "bannedFilesChecks": false,
      "deleteSpam": false,
      "headerChecks": false,
      "malwareChecks": false,
      "modifySubjectOnSpam": true,
      "spamChecks": false,
      "spamLevel": "low",
      "useGreylisting": true
    "type": "Forwarder",
    "forwarderType": "externalForwarder",
	"productCode": "email-forwarder-external-12m",
    "forwarderTargets": [
    "paidUntil": "2016-02-01T15:57:35Z",
    "renewOn": "2016-01-31T15:57:35Z",
    "deletionScheduledFor": null,
    "restorableUntil": null,
    "addDate": "2016-01-01T15:57:35Z",
    "lastChangeDate": "2016-01-01T15:57:35Z"
 <deletionScheduledFor xsi:nil="true"/>
 <restorableUntil xsi:nil="true"/>
Property Type Required / Direction Description
type string fixed Type of the mailbox. For forwarder mailbox it must always be “Forwarder”.
productCode string fixed Contains the productCode of the mailbox and must be set at creation.
accountId string out-only ID of managing account
bundleId string optional ID of the bundle which handles contractual obligations.
id string see description ID of this mailbox. Ignored in mailboxCreate requests. This property is required in all other requests regarding mailbox management.
emailAddress string required Email address of the mailbox in ASCII/ACE format.
emailAddressUnicode string out-only Email address of the mailbox in Unicode/international format.
domainName string out-only Domain name of the mailbox in ASCII/ACE format.
domainNameUnicode string out-only Domain name of the mailbox in Unicode/international format.
status string out-only Status of the mailbox.
spamFilter SpamFilter optional Spam settings of the mailbox.
autoResponder AutoResponder optional AutoResponder settings of this mailbox.
forwarderType string out-only Type of the forwarder. The type of the forwarder can be either internalForwarder or externalForwarder. If all email addresses in the forwarderTargets list are in the same domain as the forwarder then the forwarderType will be internalForwarder. Otherwise it will be externalForwarder.
forwarderTargets list required List of email addresses mails are forwarded to.
deletionScheduledFor datetime out-only Date and time the mailbox is scheduled for deletion. Is empty if mailbox is not scheduled for removal.
restorableUntil datetime out-only Date and Time before which the mailbox can be restored.
paidUntil datetime out-only Date that the mailbox is paid for.
renewOn datetime out-only Time of the next automatic debit of accounting period. This point of time is always before the paidUntil time. renewOn time calculation: subtract the notice period from paidUntil time.
addDate datetime out-only Date and time the mailbox was created in the system.
lastChangeDate datetime out-only Date and time of last mailbox modification

Creating Forwarders

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "mailbox": {
        "type": "Forwarder",
		"productCode": "email-forwarder-external-12m",
        "emailAddress": "",
        "forwarderTargets": [
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
  "response": {
    "id": "150101aaaaaaaaaa001",
    "accountId": "15010100000001",
    "bundleId": "",
    "emailAddress": "",
    "emailAddressUnicode": "",
    "domainName": "",
    "domainNameUnicode": "",
    "spamFilter": {
      "bannedFilesChecks": false,
      "deleteSpam": false,
      "headerChecks": false,
      "malwareChecks": false,
      "modifySubjectOnSpam": true,
      "spamChecks": false,
      "spamLevel": "low",
      "useGreylisting": true
    "status": "creating",
    "type": "Forwarder",
    "productCode": "email-forwarder-external-12m",
    "forwarderType": "externalForwarder",
    "forwarderTargets": [
    "paidUntil": "2016-02-01T15:57:35Z",
    "renewOn": "2016-01-31T15:57:35Z",
    "deletionScheduledFor": null,
    "restorableUntil": null,
    "addDate": "2016-01-01T15:57:35Z",
    "lastChangeDate": "2016-01-01T15:57:35Z"
   <deletionScheduledFor xsi:nil="true"/>
   <restorableUntil xsi:nil="true"/>
Request mailboxCreate
Processing asynchronous
Response Forwarder object
Parameter Type Required Description
mailbox Forwarder object req Data for to be created forwarder

In order to create a forwarder, you need to send a mailboxCreate request. This request takes one parameter mailbox which contains all required information of the mailbox to be created. Please note that in order to create an forwarder mailbox the type parameter of the mailbox must be Forwarder and all required properties of the Forwarder object must be set.


An SMTP Forwarder can be used to forward emails by SMTP to a target mailserver. It will be delivered on Port 25 with the SMTP protocol. The target mailserver must accept emails for the created email address. An SMTP Forwarder is useful if you want to forward emails to your local exchange server or if you want to use just our spamfiltering.

The SmtpForwarder Object

    "id": "150101aaaaaaaaaa001",
    "accountId": "15010100000001",
    "bundleId": "",
    "emailAddress": "",
    "emailAddressUnicode": "",
    "domainName": "",
    "domainNameUnicode": "",
    "spamFilter": {
      "bannedFilesChecks": false,
      "deleteSpam": false,
      "headerChecks": false,
      "malwareChecks": false,
      "modifySubjectOnSpam": true,
      "spamChecks": false,
      "spamLevel": "low",
      "useGreylisting": true
    "status": "active",
    "type": "SmtpForwarder",
    "productCode": "email-smtp-forwarder-v1-12m",
    "server": "your.mailserver.hostname",
    "paidUntil": "2016-02-01T15:57:35Z",
    "renewOn": "2016-01-31T15:57:35Z",
    "deletionScheduledFor": null,
    "restorableUntil": null,
    "addDate": "2016-01-01T15:57:35Z",
    "lastChangeDate": "2016-01-01T15:57:35Z"
   <deletionScheduledFor xsi:nil="true"/>
   <restorableUntil xsi:nil="true"/>
Property Type Required / Direction Description
type string fixed Type of the mailbox. For SMTP Forwarder mailbox it must always be “SmtpForwarder”.
productCode string fixed Contains the productCode of the mailbox and must be set at creation.
accountId string out-only ID of managing account
bundleId string optional ID of the bundle which handles contractual obligations.
id string see description ID of this mailbox. Ignored in mailboxCreate requests. This property is required in all other requests regarding mailbox management.
emailAddress string required Email address of the mailbox in ASCII/ACE format.
emailAddressUnicode string out-only Email address of the mailbox in Unicode/international format.
domainName string out-only Domain name of the mailbox in ASCII/ACE format.
domainNameUnicode string out-only Domain name of the mailbox in Unicode/international format.
status string out-only Status of the mailbox.
spamFilter SpamFilter optional Spam settings of the mailbox.
autoResponder AutoResponder optional AutoResponder settings of this mailbox.
server string required FQDN or IP address of the server to which emails are forwarded.
port int optional The server port, default is 25.
deletionScheduledFor datetime out-only Date and time the mailbox is scheduled for deletion. Is empty if mailbox is not scheduled for removal.
restorableUntil datetime out-only Date and Time before which the mailbox can be restored.
paidUntil datetime out-only Date that the mailbox is paid for.
renewOn datetime out-only Time of the next automatic debit of accounting period. This point of time is always before the paidUntil time. renewOn time calculation: subtract the notice period from paidUntil time.
addDate datetime out-only Date and time the mailbox was created in the system.
lastChangeDate datetime out-only Date and time of last mailbox modification

Creating SMTP Forwarder

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "mailbox": {
        "type": "SmtpForwarder",
		"productCode": "email-smtp-forwarder-v1-12m",
        "emailAddress": "",
        "server": "your.mailserver.hostname"
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
  "response": {
    "id": "150101aaaaaaaaaa001",
    "accountId": "15010100000001",
    "bundleId": "",
    "emailAddress": "",
    "emailAddressUnicode": "",
    "domainName": "",
    "domainNameUnicode": "",
    "spamFilter": {
      "bannedFilesChecks": false,
      "deleteSpam": false,
      "headerChecks": false,
      "malwareChecks": false,
      "modifySubjectOnSpam": true,
      "spamChecks": false,
      "spamLevel": "low",
      "useGreylisting": true
    "status": "creating",
    "type": "SmtpForwarder",
    "productCode": "email-smtp-forwarder-v1-12m",
    "server": "your.mailserver.hostname",
    "paidUntil": "2016-02-01T15:57:35Z",
    "renewOn": "2016-01-31T15:57:35Z",
    "deletionScheduledFor": null,
    "restorableUntil": null,
    "addDate": "2016-01-01T15:57:35Z",
    "lastChangeDate": "2016-01-01T15:57:35Z"
   <deletionScheduledFor xsi:nil="true"/>
   <restorableUntil xsi:nil="true"/>
Request mailboxCreate
Processing asynchronous
Response SmtpForwarder object
Parameter Type Required Description
mailbox SMTP Forwarder object req Data for to be created smtpForwarder

In order to create an SMTP Forwarder, you need to send a mailboxCreate request. This request takes one parameter mailbox which contains all required information of the mailbox to be created. Please note that in order to create an SMTP Forwarder mailbox the type parameter of the mailbox must be SmtpForwarder and all required properties of the SmtpForwarder object must be set.


The MailingList Object

    "id": "150101aaaaaaaaaa001",
    "accountId": "15010100000001",
    "bundleId": "",
    "emailAddress": "",
    "emailAddressUnicode": "",
    "domainName": "",
    "domainNameUnicode": "",
    "spamFilter": {
      "bannedFilesChecks": false,
      "deleteSpam": false,
      "headerChecks": false,
      "malwareChecks": false,
      "modifySubjectOnSpam": true,
      "spamChecks": false,
      "spamLevel": "low",
      "useGreylisting": true
    "status": "active",
    "type": "MailingList",
    "productCode": "email-mailinglist-team-v1-12m",
    "name": "Test Mailinglist",
    "accessMode": "everyone",
    "replyToMode": "list",
    "owners": [
    "members": [
    "paidUntil": "2016-02-01T15:57:35Z",
    "renewOn": "2016-01-31T15:57:35Z",
    "deletionScheduledFor": null,
    "restorableUntil": null,
    "addDate": "2016-01-01T15:57:35Z",
    "lastChangeDate": "2016-01-01T15:57:35Z"
   <name>Test Mailinglist</name>
   <deletionScheduledFor xsi:nil="true"/>
   <restorableUntil xsi:nil="true"/>
Property Type Required / Direction Description
type string fixed Type of the mailbox. For a mailinglist it must always be “MailingList”.
productCode string fixed Contains the productCode of the mailbox and must be set at creation.
accountId string out-only ID of managing account
bundleId string optional ID of the bundle which handles contractual obligations.
id string see description ID of this mailbox. Ignored in mailboxCreate requests. This property is required in all other requests regarding mailbox management.
emailAddress string required Email address of the mailbox in ASCII/ACE format.
emailAddressUnicode string out-only Email address of the mailbox in Unicode/international format.
domainName string out-only Domain name of the mailbox in ASCII/ACE format.
domainNameUnicode string out-only Domain name of the mailbox in Unicode/international format.
status string out-only Status of the mailbox.
spamFilter SpamFilter optional Spam settings of the mailbox.
autoResponder AutoResponder optional AutoResponder settings of this mailbox.
name string required Name of the mailinglist.
subjectPrefix string optional This prefix, if set, will be added to the subject of any email sent to this mailinglist.
accessMode string required Controls who is allowed to send emails to this mailinglist.
replyToMode string required Controls the reply-to header of emails coming from this mailinglist.
replyToEmailAddress string optional If set, this email address will override the reply-to header of emails coming from this mailinglist.
allowHtmlMails bool optional If set to false, HTML emails will be rejected. Default is true.
digestSize int optional Controls the maximum digest size of this mailinglist. Default is 0 which deactivates digest function.
owners list required Email addresses of the owners of this mailinglist.
members list optional Email addresses of the members of this mailinglist.
deletionScheduledFor datetime out-only Date and time the mailbox is scheduled for deletion. Is empty if mailbox is not scheduled for removal.
restorableUntil datetime out-only Date and Time before which the mailbox can be restored.
paidUntil datetime out-only Date that the mailbox is paid for.
renewOn datetime out-only Time of the next automatic debit of accounting period. This point of time is always before the paidUntil time. renewOn time calculation: subtract the notice period from paidUntil time.
addDate datetime out-only Date and time the mailbox was created in the system.
lastChangeDate datetime out-only Date and time of last mailbox modification

Creating MailingList

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "mailbox": {
        "type": "MailingList",
		"productCode": "email-mailinglist-team-v1-12m",
        "emailAddress": "",
        "name": "Test Mailinglist",
        "accessMode": "everyone",
        "replyToMode": "list",
        "owners": [
        "members": [
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
  <name>Test Mailinglist</name>
  "response": {
    "id": "150101aaaaaaaaaa001",
    "accountId": "15010100000001",
    "bundleId": "",
    "emailAddress": "",
    "emailAddressUnicode": "",
    "domainName": "",
    "domainNameUnicode": "",
    "spamFilter": {
      "bannedFilesChecks": false,
      "deleteSpam": false,
      "headerChecks": false,
      "malwareChecks": false,
      "modifySubjectOnSpam": true,
      "spamChecks": false,
      "spamLevel": "low",
      "useGreylisting": true
    "status": "creating",
    "type": "MailingList",
    "productCode": "email-mailinglist-team-v1-12m",
    "name": "Test Mailinglist",
    "accessMode": "everyone",
    "replyToMode": "list",
    "owners": [
    "members": [
    "paidUntil": "2016-02-01T15:57:35Z",
    "renewOn": "2016-01-31T15:57:35Z",
    "deletionScheduledFor": null,
    "restorableUntil": null,
    "addDate": "2016-01-01T15:57:35Z",
    "lastChangeDate": "2016-01-01T15:57:35Z"
   <name>Test Mailinglist</name>
   <deletionScheduledFor xsi:nil="true"/>
   <restorableUntil xsi:nil="true"/>
Request mailboxCreate
Processing asynchronous
Response MailingList object
Parameter Type Required Description
mailbox MailingList object req Data for to be created mailinglist

In order to create a mailinglist, you need to send a mailboxCreate request. This request takes one parameter mailbox which contains all required information of the mailbox to be created. Please note that in order to create a mailinglist mailbox the type parameter of the mailbox must be MailingList and all required properties of the MailingList object must be set.

Valid Modes for accessMode are:

Valid Modes for replyToMode are:


With a catchall mailbox one can create a wildcard email address for a domain name. All emails sent to non existing mailboxes of that domain will be forwarded to a specified IMAP mailbox.

The Catchall Object

    "id": "150101aaaaaaaaaa001",
    "accountId": "15010100000001",
    "bundleId": "",
    "emailAddress": "",
    "emailAddressUnicode": "",
    "domainName": "",
    "domainNameUnicode": "",
    "spamFilter": {
      "bannedFilesChecks": false,
      "deleteSpam": false,
      "headerChecks": false,
      "malwareChecks": false,
      "modifySubjectOnSpam": true,
      "spamChecks": false,
      "spamLevel": "low",
      "useGreylisting": true
    "status": "active",
    "type": "Catchall",
    "productCode": "email-catchall-12m",
    "forwarderTarget": "",
    "paidUntil": "2016-02-01T15:57:35Z",
    "renewOn": "2016-01-31T15:57:35Z",
    "deletionScheduledFor": null,
    "restorableUntil": null,
    "addDate": "2016-01-01T15:57:35Z",
    "lastChangeDate": "2016-01-01T15:57:35Z"
   <deletionScheduledFor xsi:nil="true"/>
   <restorableUntil xsi:nil="true"/>
Property Type Required / Direction Description
type string fixed Type of the mailbox. For catchall mailbox it must always be “Catchall”.
productCode string fixed Contains the productCode of the mailbox and must be set at creation.
accountId string out-only ID of managing account
bundleId string optional ID of the bundle in which the mailbox should be created.
id string see description ID of this mailbox. Ignored in mailboxCreate requests. This property is required in all other requests regarding mailbox management.
emailAddress string required Email address of the mailbox in ASCII/ACE format. This property must contain “*” as prefix before the @, e.g. *
emailAddressUnicode string out-only Email address of the mailbox in Unicode/international format.
domainName string out-only Domain name of the mailbox in ASCII/ACE format.
domainNameUnicode string out-only Domain name of the mailbox in Unicode/international format.
status string out-only Status of the mailbox.
spamFilter SpamFilter optional Spam settings of the mailbox.
autoResponder AutoResponder optional AutoResponder settings of this mailbox.
forwarderTarget string required Receiving mailbox of this catchall mailbox. Must be an IMAP mailbox without any further forwarders.
deletionScheduledFor datetime out-only Date and time the mailbox is scheduled for deletion. Is empty if mailbox is not scheduled for removal.
restorableUntil datetime out-only Date and Time before which the mailbox can be restored.
paidUntil datetime out-only Date that the mailbox is paid for.
renewOn datetime out-only Time of the next automatic debit of accounting period. This point of time is always before the paidUntil time. renewOn time calculation: subtract the notice period from paidUntil time.
addDate datetime out-only Date and time the mailbox was created in the system.
lastChangeDate datetime out-only Date and time of last mailbox modification

Creating Catchall

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "mailbox": {
        "type": "Catchall",
		"productCode": "email-catchall-12m",
        "emailAddress": "*",
        "forwarderTargets": ""
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
  "response": {
    "id": "150101aaaaaaaaaa001",
    "accountId": "15010100000001",
    "bundleId": "",
    "emailAddress": "*",
    "emailAddressUnicode": "*",
    "domainName": "",
    "domainNameUnicode": "",
    "spamFilter": {
      "bannedFilesChecks": false,
      "deleteSpam": false,
      "headerChecks": false,
      "malwareChecks": false,
      "modifySubjectOnSpam": true,
      "spamChecks": false,
      "spamLevel": "low",
      "useGreylisting": true
    "status": "creating",
    "type": "Catchall",
    "productCode": "email-catchall-12m",
    "forwarderTarget": "",
    "paidUntil": "2016-02-01T15:57:35Z",
    "renewOn": "2016-01-31T15:57:35Z",
    "deletionScheduledFor": null,
    "restorableUntil": null,
    "addDate": "2016-01-01T15:57:35Z",
    "lastChangeDate": "2016-01-01T15:57:35Z"
   <deletionScheduledFor xsi:nil="true"/>
   <restorableUntil xsi:nil="true"/>
Request mailboxCreate
Processing asynchronous
Response Catchall object
Parameter Type Required Description
mailbox Catchall object req Data for to be created catchall

In order to create a catchall, you need to send a mailboxCreate request. This request takes one parameter mailbox which contains all required information of the mailbox to be created. Please note that in order to create a catchall mailbox the type parameter of the mailbox must be Catchall and all required properties of the Catchall object must be set.

Spam filtering settings

The SpamFilter Object

    "bannedFilesChecks": false,
    "deleteSpam": false,
    "headerChecks": false,
    "malwareChecks": false,
    "modifySubjectOnSpam": true,
    "spamChecks": false,
    "spamLevel": "low",
    "useGreylisting": true
Property Type Required / Direction Description
bannedFilesChecks bool optional Will reject mails with potentially dangerous attachments (like .exe files).
deleteSpam bool optional Reject spam mails
headerChecks bool optional The email headers will be checked for unusual patterns.
malwareChecks bool optional This option enables the scanning of content and attachments of emails for malware and viruses.
modifySubjectOnSpam bool optional Will modify the subject to mark a recognized spam email as such.
spamChecks bool optional The content of emails will be compared against a spam database and will mark the Subject if required (see modifySubjectOnSpam).
spamLevel string optional The levels indicate how many spam factors are taken into account when an email arrives. Valid values: low, medium. high
useGreylisting bool optional Greylisting will delay the acceptance of emails, allowing significantly better recognition of spam.

AutoResponder settings

The AutoResponder Object

    "subject": "Out of office",
    "body": "Dear sender, I am out of office.",
    "start": "2016-01-01T15:57:35Z",
    "end": "2016-12-31T15:57:35Z",
    "active": true,
    "enabled": true
 <subject>Out of office</subject>
 <body>Dear sender, I am out of office.</body>
Property Type Required / Direction Description
subject string optional The subject of the autoresponded email.
body string optional The email body of the autoresponded email.
start datetime optional A time on which the autoresponder will become active.
end datetime optional A time on which the autoresponder will deactivated automatically.
active bool optional True when the autoresponder is currently active and sending replies.
enabled bool optional Enable this autoresponder. This option is independent from start and end dates.

Updating Mailboxes

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "mailbox": {
        "id": "150101aaaaaaaaaa001",
        "type": "ImapMailbox",
        "emailAddress": "",
        "storageQuota": 1024,
        "isAdmin": false
    "password": "!Secret23"
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
  "response": {
    "id": "150101aaaaaaaaaa001",
    "accountId": "15010100000001",
    "bundleId": "",
    "emailAddress": "",
    "emailAddressUnicode": "",
    "domainName": "",
    "domainNameUnicode": "",
    "spamFilter": {
      "bannedFilesChecks": false,
      "deleteSpam": false,
      "headerChecks": false,
      "malwareChecks": false,
      "modifySubjectOnSpam": true,
      "spamChecks": false,
      "spamLevel": "low",
      "useGreylisting": true
    "status": "active",
    "type": "ImapMailbox",
    "forwarderTargets": [],
    "smtpForwarderTarget": "",
    "isAdmin": false,
    "storageQuota": 1024,
    "storageQuotaUsed": 0,
    "paidUntil": "2016-02-01T15:57:35Z",
    "renewOn": "2016-01-31T15:57:35Z",
    "deletionScheduledFor": null,
    "restorableUntil": null,
    "addDate": "2016-01-01T15:57:35Z",
    "lastChangeDate": "2016-01-01T15:57:35Z"
   <deletionScheduledFor xsi:nil="true"/>
   <restorableUntil xsi:nil="true"/>
Request mailboxUpdate
Processing asynchronous
Response ImapMailbox, Forwarder, SmtpForwarder, MailingList or Catchall object
Parameter Type Required Description
mailbox ImapMailbox, Forwarder, SmtpForwarder, MailingList or Catchall req Complete mailbox object of the same type as the mailbox to update.
password string opt Password for this mailbox

The mailbox that you want to update is identified by it’s id. All fields not marked out-only are set to the values in the mailbox argument. Optional fields that are not specified in this call are reset to their default values.

The parameter password will only be accepted for ImapMailbox objects.

Listing Mailboxes

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "filter": {
        "field": "MailboxEmailAddress",
        "value": ""
    "limit": 10,
    "page": 1,
    "sort": {
        "field": "MailboxEmailAddress",
        "order": "asc"

 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>

    "response": {
        "data": [
            // Mailbox objects
        "limit": 10,
        "page": 1,
        "totalEntries": 15,
        "totalPages": 2,
        "type": "FindMailboxesResult"


Request mailboxesFind
Processing synchronous
Response FindMailboxesResult

Listing mailboxes uses the generic filtering and sorting API with the method mailboxesFind. The response will contain a list of mailbox objects.

The following fields are available for filtering and sorting:

Field Description
AccountId ID of account managing the mailbox
MailboxId ID of mailbox
MailboxEmailAddress Email address of the mailbox
MailboxEmailAddressUnicode Email address of the mailbox in Unicode-Form
MailboxDomainName Domain name of the mailbox
MailboxDomainNameUnicode Domain name of the mailbox in Unicode-Form
MailboxType Type of the mailbox
MailboxStatus Status of the mailbox
MailboxStorageQuota Mailbox storage capacity
MailboxStorageQuotaUsed Currently used storage of the mailbox
MailboxDeletionScheduledFor Deletion date and time of the mailbox
MailboxRestorableUntil Date and Time until mailbox can be restored
MailboxPaidUntil Time that the mailbox is paid for
MailboxRenewOn Date and Time of next automatic renewal (and payment)
MailboxAddDate Date and time mailbox was created
MailboxLastChangeDate Date and time of last modification

Deleting Mailboxes

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "mailboxId": "150101aaaaaaaaaa001",
    "execDate": "2016-01-15T12:00:00Z"
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
  "status": "pending"
Request mailboxDelete
Processing asynchronous
Response none
Parameter Type Required Description
mailboxId string see description Id of the mailbox
emailAddress string see description Email address of the meilbox
execDate datetime optional Scheduled deletion date

This method deletes a mailbox. To delete a mailbox you must specify either the id of the mailbox or its email address, but not both.

A deleted mailbox can be restored within the restore period with the mailboxRestore API method. If the mailbox will not be restored within the restore period it will be removed from the system.

If you also specify an execDate, it will be scheduled for deletion on execDate. This will set the mailbox object’s and deletionDate. A scheduled deletion can be canceled with the mailboxDeletionCancel API method.

Canceling Deletion of Mailboxes

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "mailboxId": "150101aaaaaaaaaa001"
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
Request mailboxDeletionCancel
Processing synchronous
Response Mailbox object
Parameter Type Required Description
mailboxId string see description Id of the mailbox
emailAddress string see description Email address of the mailbox

This method cancels a scheduled deletion for a mailbox. To cancel a deletion of a mailbox you must specify either the id of the mailbox or its email address, but not both.

Restoring Mailboxes

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "mailboxId": "150101aaaaaaaaaa001"
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
  "response": {
    "id": "150101aaaaaaaaaa001",
    "accountId": "15010100000001",
    "emailAddress": "",
    "emailAddressUnicode": "",
    "domainName": "",
    "domainNameUnicode": "",
    "spamFilter": {
      "bannedFilesChecks": false,
      "deleteSpam": false,
      "headerChecks": false,
      "malwareChecks": false,
      "modifySubjectOnSpam": true,
      "spamChecks": false,
      "spamLevel": "low",
      "useGreylisting": true
    //mailbox type specific properties
    "status": "restorable",
    "paidUntil": "2016-02-01T15:57:35Z",
    "renewOn": "2016-01-31T15:57:35Z",
    "deletionScheduledFor": null,
    "restorableUntil": "2016-01-22T12:00:00Z",
    "addDate": "2016-01-01T15:57:35Z",
    "lastChangeDate": "2016-01-15T12:00:00Z"
   ...mailbox type specific properties
   <deletionScheduledFor xsi:nil="true"/>
Request mailboxRestore
Processing asynchronous
Response Mailbox object
Parameter Type Required Description
mailboxId string see description Id of the mailbox
emailAddress string see description Email address of the mailbox

This method restores a previously deleted mailbox. After the mailbox is restored it can be used normally. To restore a mailbox you must specify either the id of the mailbox or its email address, but not both.

Purging Restorable Mailboxes

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "mailboxId": "150101aaaaaaaaaa001"
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
  "status": "pending"
Request mailboxPurgeRestorable
Processing asynchronous
Response none
Parameter Type Required Description
mailboxId string see description id of the mailbox
emailAddress string see description email address of the mailbox

This method deletes a restorable mailbox immediately from the system. You will not be able to restore it afterwards. To use this method you must specify either the id of the mailbox or its email address, but not both.

Checking Mailbox Authorization

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "emailAddress": ""
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
  "response": {
    "status": "emailAddressAvailable",
    "verificationCode": "",
    "errors": [],
    "bundleCompatibility": true,
    "dnsConfigurationRequired": false,
    "dnsAutoconfigurationPossible": true,
    "currentDnsRecords": [],
    "requiredDnsRecords": []
Request checkEmailAddress
Processing synchronous
Response CheckEmailAddressResult
Parameter Type Required Description
emailAddress string required Email address of the mailbox
productCode string optional ProductCode of the mailbox
accountId string optional ID of the account under which the mailbox should be created
bundleId string optional ID of the bundle in which the mailbox should be created
skipDnsCheck bool optional Skip the DNS validation checks

This method checks if an mailbox can be created and if dns authorizationes required (This happens when the domain is not in your account).

If status in the result object is emailAddressAvailable you can proceed to create the mailbox.

If status in the result object is verificationRequired you need to create a TXT DNS record in the domain with the value from the verificationCode field in the result object.

Domain Settings

Domain settings serve to display and limit the usage of mailboxes in a certain domain.

The DomainSettings Object

    "domainName": "",
    "domainNameUnicode": "",
    "storageQuota": -1,
    "storageQuotaAllocated": 1024,
    "mailboxQuota": -1,
    "addDate": "2016-01-01T15:57:35Z",
    "lastChangeDate": "2016-01-01T15:57:35Z"
Property Type Required / Direction Description
domainName string required Domain name in ASCII/ACE format.
domainNameUnicode string out-only Domain name in Unicode/international format.
storageQuota int optional Storage quota allowed to be used in this domain for imap mailboxes.
storageQuotaAllocated int out-only Currently used storage in this domain for imap mailboxes.
mailboxQuota int optional Number of imap mailboxes allowed to be created in this domain.
exchangeStorageQuota int removal pending Always 0
exchangeStorageQuotaAllocated int removal pending Always 0
exchangeMailboxQuota int removal pending Always 0
addDate datetime out-only Date and time the mailbox was created in the system.
lastChangeDate datetime out-only Last date and time the mailbox was modified.

Listing Domain Settings

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "filter": {
        "field": "DomainName",
        "value": ""
    "limit": 10,
    "page": 1,
    "sort": {
        "field": "DomainName",
        "order": "asc"

 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>

    "response": {
        "data": [
            // DomainSettings objects
        "limit": 10,
        "page": 1,
        "totalEntries": 15,
        "totalPages": 2,
        "type": "FindDomainSettingsResult"

   ...DomainSettings objects

Request domainSettingsFind
Processing synchronous
Response FindDomainSettingsResult

Listing domain settings uses the generic filtering and sorting API with the method domainSettingsFind. The response will contain a list of DomainSettings objects.

The following fields are available for filtering and sorting:

Field Description
DomainName Domain name
MailboxId ID of mailbox
MailboxEmailAddress Email address of the mailbox
MailboxEmailAddressUnicode Email address of the mailbox in Unicode-Form
MailboxDomainName Domain name of the mailbox
MailboxDomainNameUnicode Domain name of the mailbox in Unicode-Form

Updating DomainSettings

It is possible to limit mailboxes number or storage usage for certain domains using the DomainSettings object and domainSettingsUpdate API method.

    "authToken": "$$YOUR API KEY$$",
    "domainSettings": {
        "domainName": "",
        "storageQuota": 10240,
        "mailboxQuota": 10
 <authToken>$$YOUR API KEY$$</authToken>
  "response": {
    "domainName": "",
    "domainNameUnicode": "",
    "storageQuota": 10240,
    "storageQuotaAllocated": 1024,
    "mailboxQuota": 10,
    "addDate": "2016-01-01T15:57:35Z",
    "lastChangeDate": "2016-01-15T12:00:00Z"
Request domainSettingsUpdate
Processing synchronous
Response DomainSettings object
Parameter Type Required Description
domainSettings DomainSettings object req Data for the domain settings to be updated